40 Days in the Word Hello everyone, While we are seeking to - TopicsExpress


40 Days in the Word Hello everyone, While we are seeking to draw nearer the Lord these 40 days, I would like to ask each of you to consider something. After going to the Iron Sharpens Iron convention I was impressed with the need we all have, especially men, for a closer walk with the Lord. My interactions and observations left me feeling deeply concerned for men to be able to stand firm in Christ in a rapidly changing nation and world. Christians are being faced with moral and spiritual conflicts at work, with their families, and daily by the technology available. I believe it is unprecedented in the world. It is all pervasive and is increasing with such speed that many Christians have become numb to it. We just don’t feel that strongly about it because it wears down our emotions and we are left wondering what to do, and then we just begin to accept it as normal. This is what I believe Jesus was referring to when He said just before His coming the love of many would grow cold — and cold produces numbness {Matthew 24:12}. The Greek means to cool by blowing. Are you feeling the wind these days? I would like us to take some of these 40 days to pray and fast. I am not saying that prayer and fasting will change the world situation, but it can change us, our hearts and also our situations. When Paul wrote Ephesians 6: 10-18, he was referring to the armor of the Roman soldier. Some Roman foot soldiers were trained to just guard six square feet of ground….that’s all, nothing more. Can we pray and fast for our six square feet of ground? That is you in the middle, your faith, your circumstances, your battles and the immediate things around you, family, friends, jobs, finances or lack thereof etc. You can pray after for whatever you like, but first make it a priority to pray for your six feet of ground. This Sunday is a Family Day. I would like all our men, during our altar prayer time, to pray for their families and or themselves and their six square feet of ground accordingly. This would be the schedule: March 30 – April 5 Men pray (and fast as they decide through the week) April 6- 12 Women pray (and fast as they decide through the week) April 13 - 19 All focus on praying (and fast as desired) for the ministries and needs of our church and community, which is our church’s six square feet of ground. Fasting can be complete denial of food for whatever period one decides. Abstaining from one or two meals a day, or eating plain simple foods and denying the comfort foods also can be done. Fasting is to help us focus on the spiritual needs of our life. By itself, fasting without seeking the Lord in prayer and/or the Word (reading, or audio or video teachings) will not really help us be renewed. The two must be done together. Taking the time you would be eating to seek the Lord may be best for some.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 03:38:04 +0000

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