40 Days of Hope for 2nd Street Prayer Prompts Day 31 - July 23, - TopicsExpress


40 Days of Hope for 2nd Street Prayer Prompts Day 31 - July 23, 2013 Pray that we would be focused on the finish line where Jesus allows us to cross over and be filled with joy in our race! Hebrews 12:1-2 Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. We were vacationing one year on the Big Island of Hawaii. When you land at the Kailua airport...you get off into open air! I KNOW...It is a weird feeling!...actual Hawaiian AiR on your face!! From the top of the stairs getting off the plane, my eyes caught movement on the highway to the east....bicycle movement...in a VERY long line! We had arrived on the day of the Iron Man Triathlon. It’s a series of three major races...swimming, bicycling and running. The race caused us detours, road blocks, traffic jams...but we got into the spirit once we got to our hotel and walked to a restaurant for dinner. No WAY were we going to drive with all THAT going on! We would get to cheer for an occasional runner on the way to dinner but AFTER dinner it was a different story. To the north of our restaurant there were bright lights glowing in the dark....lights of the finish line. A man was walking his bike away from there. I asked..”how is it down there?” “AMAZING” was his answer. That is ALL that it took. My next job was to inspire four guys to get down to that finish line after a day of travel and time change. It was WELL worth the effort! At the finish line the announcer was proclaiming for EACH and every contestant as they crossed the line...no matter their time....”JOHN SMITH...YOU ARE AN IRON MAN!” We all cheered and yelled out along with the announcer. We didn’t know John Smith at ALL...but we knew what he had accomplished, we knew that he was a “winner,” we knew that he was crossing a line...and WE were WITNESSING IT!! He was free of all encumbrances and entanglements and was running with endurance. We are encouraged to do the same as we near the end of 40 days of Hope for 2nd Street. Pray without encumbrance, keep Jesus’ life and goals in our sites, cross the finish line! Blessings to YOU as you run!! PRAYER POINT FOR DAY #31: God...We want to run with endurance, keep from being hindered by sin and entanglements. We pray that those we encounter will also get free, see Jesus and allow HIM to perfect our faith. Amen BUSINESS PRAYER FOCUS for Tuesday, July 23, 2013 PG Series @ 777 N 2nd, Arco AM/PM 725 N 2nd, El Cajon TV Center @ 695 N 2nd *by Linda Lilyquist
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 21:23:51 +0000

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