40 King Herodes escapes from Yeruzalem to Metzada. Till 4 AC he - TopicsExpress


40 King Herodes escapes from Yeruzalem to Metzada. Till 4 AC he build the ford. 0 The Messiah brings knowledge among the Ysralites 33 Gaius Cassius the Roman soldier who put the spear in the side of the one on the cross at 5 April 70 \ 73 At the ford Mezada the last recistance got broke by the Romans 135 Bar Kochba brings the people to a rebel against the Roman invaters. 138 Ysralites drifted away after the Romans destroyed the nation. The land where the Children of Ysrael lived the Romans raise Syria Palestine and Jordainy. Armharic dies and little by little the Ysralites started talking Fus’ha the language of Canaan. 158 Yeruzalem is forbidden for Ysraels children and they chance the name of the city in A Colony Aelia Capitolina. Ysraels children dwell amongst the region of Mooreh a.k.a. Arabian dessert and so they end speaking the language 400 Abyssynia convert to Byzantines Christianity. Later on a group of Muslim seek for hide at t he throne of the lion of Judah and they got it after telling the story of Meryeme, the other party who had ask for their delivery where dinied by the Negus. They say that they stayed there until now. That’s why the Islamic world says; that Abyssinia was not to be attack during the expansion of the Empire. But they do not tell us about the incident of 702 the when Yusufe sons attacked and took the whole East Africa coastline. After they high jacked a ship named the Sheck of Jeddah {the portal of Mecca- . Bible N.T. The Gospel according John 14:16-17 -and I will pray to the Father, and He shall give another comforter, that may abide with you for ever - even the spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him: for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you 569 Comforter Muhammed come amongst the Ysralites and leaves us with the Qor’an. Little by little the tribes fall in line, but that is here still decades away. The known tribes are Kindah, Hawdah, Yaman, Jalandi, Manadhirah, Ghasssanids, Somaly, Erytrea, Umayyad and Qurasysh the tribe of the priest {imams- the old land was still in the hands of Byzantine. Do now people claim that the Qur’ an is the word of Most High and it was Gabriel {Djiebriell- who came to Muhammed with the words of the Qur’an. But when we read the book of Revelation {Indjiell- 1:1 we see that it’s true that the words of the Qur’an are the words of The Most High, but we see that it was not Gabriel {Djiebriell- but the son of Mary {Meryeme- who came to his father David the last to come. Calling himself the angels of Christ but all angels belong Allah. Bible N.T. Revelation {Indjiel- Chapter 1:1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: What more the Bible tell us about it for we all know that Muhammed came from the land Moré {Arabia.- Bible O.T. the book Yeremiah Chapter 26:18 Micah the Morasthite prophesied in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and spake to all the people of Judah, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Zion shall be plowed like a field, and Jerusalem shall become heaps, and the mountain of the house as the high places of a forest. Bible O.T. the book Amos 9:7-8 -are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, o children of ysrael? Saith the Lord have not I brought up ysrael out of the land of Egypt? And philistines from caphtor, and the Syrians from kir? -behold, the eyes of the Lord God are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the Lord 565 578 \ 0 A new year count starts for the Ysrael children. The prophet had to leave Mecca because the people were in war with him and the message he +brought. He ended up in Medina and from off that moment the Islamic year counts starts. 622 \ 570 Ka’ba getting rebuild 630 -52 This time Muhammed gave order to destroy all images of all pecan gods in the Ka’ba ”the house Abraham mate the Betel we now know as Mecca. When they broth the statue of Mary whit child, he treaded it whit all respect and gave the order the took it a other place 632-634 \ 54-56 Muhammed dies and Abu Bakr takes over. He plans the expansions of the nation and makes a blueprint of it. And after he died the war agenda against the not Islamic nations begin. In North Africa the tribes fight against Byzantine who occupied Egypt the North African region. And against the Persians, who had their own religion. At both sides the battles where hard. Also in this time Yeruzalem is recaptured and the third temple is build , Mesdjied al Quds. Until now only Ysrael knew God, He was always the God of the first Bloodline of Adam thru Seth his third son. But now the tribes bring the God of Ysrael across the borders, the Kurdich king Nebukkadnezar knew Him because of Daniel. But now the Islam got spread. When Peter spread the Gospel they did not spread the seed of the culture but the culture is the Islam. Exemple the book of Acts 3:6-7 & 14:10 3:6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have 0give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. 7 And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. 14:10 Said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked. Peter had the power to do good but he gave the son of Mary the glory so he betray the first commandment. It was not according the works of the Messiah. Bible N.T. the Gospel according Mathew 8:3-4 3 And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. 4 And Jesus saith unto him, See thou tell no man; but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them. The Messiah told the people who he helped to go to temple and to do according the law of Moses. For he always give the honer to Most High. Bible N.T. Acts 15:1 1 And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved. The culture of the Ysralites are the laws of Moses you take it out you take the Root out of the vow, for the Root is Islam the culture of the Ysralites. Bible N.T. the Gospel according Mathew 5:17-19 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. The Messiah self said that the law always rule, so if you claim you are a follower of the Messiah how can you forget the law? When the Messiah came he did not came to bring the religion ”the Islam”, but he came to fulfill and lift the people up wherever he could. But thee religion that Moses gave us stays! He himself is a Nazarene according the law of Moses. So tell me where he and the pope got the permission to took the Islam out and make of Christianity a dead religion for it have no roots, so everything they spread was not real. Chapter 34:19-20 58th Revelation of Muhammed the Comforer Redeemer Sewratu Saba { land of the second river- *{and- { We made- {between them- {and between- {the towns- {which- { We had blessed- {in it- {towns- { visible- {and We detemined- {between them- {the journey- {travel- {between them- {by night- {and by day- *{ safely- { but they said- { our Lord- {lengthen (the distance)- { between- { our journeys- {and they wronged- {themselves- {so We made them- {narrations- { and We dispersed them- { a total- { dispersion- { indeed- {in- {that- { surely signs- { for every one- { patient- {gratefull- There is no god than the God of Ysrael Allah. 644-656 \ 66-82 Uthman At this time all tribes stand as one. The expansion of the Umayyad, “Abeside” Empire start. Arabic is one way forced on the people. If it was only for the practice of the religion who everyone seems to except. Umayyaden Masdjeed{Mosk- the Damascus made by the sons of Ysrael There were three Campaigns towards Barqa “ a city some were round the border of Egypt and Libya” againd Byzantine by: 1) at 643 AC\65 Islamic year count. Amr Ybn Al Ass he did not reach Barqa 2) at 646 AC\68 Islamic-647 AC\69 Islamic. Abdullah Ybn Saad Abi Sarh he came until Sbeitla also in Tunis. 3) at 669 AC\77 Islamic- 670 AC\78 Islamic. Oqbbah Ybn Nafi he came until a city or places that from moment on called Qayrawan in Tunis. 661\69-680\88 Ali the cuz of Muhammed got killed and Mu’awieya iebn Abu Sufyan took over. Here the Ummayyad tribe takes over and lead the tribes. 680\88-683\91 Yazied 1 iebn Mu’awieya 683\91-684\92 Mu’awieya iebn Yazied 680\ 88 Oqbbah Ybn Nafi Campaign again for three years and goes from Qayrawan to Baghaya to Tahert until Ceuta to Tangier to walili to Aghmat to Igir an Yattut near by the north west coast of Africa from there he moved to Ribat Shakir back to Tehuda Qur’an 34:19 684\107-685\108 Marwan iebn Hakiem 685-705 \ 107-127 Abd al Maliek 695-705\ 117-127 The campaigns of Hassan iebn Al Numen took place from Qayrawan to the neighboring city Tunis and Bone and from Qayrawan past Tebessa 702 \ 124 Abyssinia highjack a ship of the children Ysraëls, the shack of Jeddah{th portal of Mecca and two tribes capture the whole east African coast living Abbeciëne isolated from other parts where the believe Byzantium way” Rome and Egypt”. Now you see that you have Coptic and Catholic and if you look good you see that the Coptics come out Islamic parts or they where seppred by Islamic parts The sons of Yusufe{Jozef Ephraim{Eritrea and Mannase{Somalia took that land, the East African coast line leaving Christian Abyssynia isolated from other Christian parts of t he world. 705\127-715\137 Al Walied 1 iebn Abd al Maliek 705 \127 North Africa is freed from Byzantium and they come in the Islam because the suwratu’s came in Fush Ha they learned to speak it or we forced it on them, what results in today’s Arabic a difrend dialect in every part of the Islamic world that came out of Fush Ha. 711 \ 133 Tarik iebn Zayd & Musa iebn Nyjser enters the Iberian Peninsula” the land of the Visigoths” true a island the called Jabal Tariq the rock of tarik” Gibraltar. Djy bral Tarik *Tarik iebn Zayd went from Gibraltar to Ecija past Cordoba to Tolede to Alcala de Henares to Guadalajara back to Talavera and to Saragossa until Astorga in the north. *Musa iebn Nyjser moves a year later 712\134 he also start at Gibraltar and goes past Babate to Medina Sidonia to Carmona to Sevilla to Merida to Tatavera to Guadalajara to Saragossa to Amaya to Astorga until Gijon at the bay of Biscay 713 \ 135 Campaigns of Abd al Aziez iebn Muse from Sevilla to bouth sides to the city Malaga than to Granada until Murcia. To the other side from Sevilla to Niebla than to Evord than Satarem until Coimbra. 714 \ 136 Campaigns went from Saragossa to Lerida to Gerona until Narbonne “in France”. 715\137-717\139 Suleymen iebn Abd al Maliek 717\139-720\142 Umer 22nd iebn Abd al Aziez 720\142- 724\146 Yazied 2nd Abd al Maliek 724\ 146-743\165 Hiesham iebn Abd al maliek And Campaigns of Anbeya iebn Suhaym took place. 740 Abu Muslim a Iranman who turned to Islam start rebel. The followers of Ali Shy ha rebel in Kufa (Iran) there where loosing against the Turkish in Transoxanie and against Byzantine in Anatolie 743\165-744\166 al Wailed iebn Yazied22nd 744\166 Yazied 3th iebn al Walied 744\166 Iebrahieme iebn al Walied 744-750 Marwan 2nd iebn Muhammed 770 \192 We see that the border with Europe the Papal State and Basquees eta, the north of todays Spain under the river belong the Umayyad and the Frankish kingdom. 790 \ 212 Here we see that Andorra Girona Barcelona is lost and the city’s Buroe, Leon, Santiago de compostels and Zamora south of the river Ebro. 847 \ 269 THE UMAYYAD – YSRAEL SONS- EMPIRE
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 16:44:34 +0000

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