40 Thoughts for 40 Years The Rubiks Cube, Meow Mix Cat Food, - TopicsExpress


40 Thoughts for 40 Years The Rubiks Cube, Meow Mix Cat Food, Hello Kitty, Connect Four game, one of my favorite childhood books, Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein and myself all turned 40 years old this year. In the last 40 years I have learned incredible lessons about myself, my faith and my world. I want to share some of those lessons with you. 1. God loves me. Sometimes hes all I got. All the time hes all I need. 2. Everybody deserves a second chance. 3. Everybody will need more than two chances. 4. The people who think Im perfect already know that I am not. 5. My mistakes dont define me. 6. My success doesnt either. 7. My faith matters. 8. Play nice with your friends. Relationships can last a lifetime. 9. I have learned the beauty of forgiveness. Its my gift to myself. 10. Im a professional apologizer. 11. When you find your passion your discover your purpose. 12. Always do my best. Its biblical and its just right. 13. The less external motivation you need then the more internal peace you will have. 14. Dont forget that wherever you are, you didnt get there alone. Remember the folk who helped you. 15. Learn something everyday. 16. Everyone is worth the benefit of the doubt. Everyone! 17. Reading really is fundamental. 18. Its ok to really care. About people, about problems and generally anything you feel inclined to care about. 19. Every person has a story. Take time to learn before you judge. 20. Everything you do matters to someone....even if its only one person 21. Time is never fully on your side, so use it wisely. 22. Some dreams make you get up and get to work. 23. Never regret love. Not even when it hurts. 24. I can always start over. 25. Every time I failed, I learned something I didnt know before. 26. Investment in people is never wasted. 27. Trials built my faith, my character and my patience. 28. I can never stop making myself better. If I do, I am no good to myself or anyone else. 29. Give complements freely. It takes nothing from me but can do everything for someone else. 30. Hanging around people who know more than me and have more than me gives me opportunity to grow. 31. Value wise counsel. The hastiest decision I should make is the decision to get advice. 32. Try something new. It might be my next favorite. 33. When Im afraid, I dont run from it, I run to it. It might be afraid of me. 34. Find a reason to celebrate everyday. 35. God has given me everything I need to be my best. I must take time to develop it. 36. Dont over commit. You are not judged by your intentions. 37. The truth always hurts less in the long run. 38. Exceeding other peoples expectations of me ensures that I exceed my own. 39. Prayer fixes everything! Sometimes it fixes the problem. Sometimes it fixes me. 40. Learn the value of rest. Even God took a break every seven days. **And one to grow on: Dont take yourself too seriously. No one else is!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 16:48:21 +0000

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