40+ Uses of Frankincense Essential Oil What is Frankincense - TopicsExpress


40+ Uses of Frankincense Essential Oil What is Frankincense essential oil? Frankincense is a tree or shrub that produces a gum or resin that can be steam distilled into an essential oil with huge health benefits. Although frankincense trees can be grown anywhere, the region of Oman is known for producing the best, highest quality oils today. According to Modern Essentials, the properties of Oman oil of Frankincense include: Anticatarrhal Anticancer Antidepressant Anti-infection Anti-inflammatory Antiseptic Antitumor Expectorant Immune stimulant Sedative Frankincense has long been a revered and holy oil in the middle east. It was used ceremonially to create greater connection with the God of ones understanding, making it an oil of connecting to ones Truth. Because of this emotional and spiritual affect, the high vibrational aroma of Frankincense is commonly used in prayer and meditation, helping a person drop out of their mind and ego and move into presence with their spirit or center of consciousness. It helps a person lean into their own spiritual practice with trust by dropping fear and other barriers to a deeper connection of ones own understanding. Other suggested and possible Frankincense Uses: The following are uses described in a book I highly recommend, Modern Essentials: A Contemporary Guide to the Therapeutic Uses of Essential Oils, as well as from personal experience and other resources. Use them to inspire your own ideas, experiment, and see what works for you. Alzheimers Disease Diffuse through the room, add to a shirt collar or pillow. Massage into the feet and toes or use in a full body massage. Aneurysm Inhale directly or through steam (such as a bowl of hot water). Massage into the reflex points of the feet. Arthritis Massage frankincense essential oil into the joints and diffuse or inhale through steam daily. Asthma Inhale directly or through steam or diffusion. Massage into the chest and throat and over the balls and arches of the feet. Balance Inhale frankincense essential oil whenever youre feeling overwhelmed. Diffuse in the room. Massage into the feet. Brain (Aging) Use daily both aromatically and topically: massaged into the feet or body, inhaled or diffused, added to bathwater, etc. Brain Injury Follow the same instructions above: Brain (Aging) Breathing Diffuse through the home, add to the shirt collar and massage into the chest. Or add a drop to the hands and inhale directly. Cancer You can use this topically on the reflex points of the feet or body, and aromatically in any manner. But also consider adding 1 drop to unsweetened beverage and consuming throughout the day. Coma Massage into the hands, and feet, as well as over the entire body to keep the muscles from atrophy. Concussion Add a drop to steaming water, place a towel over your head and inhale until the steam stops. Massage it into the feet and toes as well. Confusion Diffuse throughout the home, add a dab to the shirt collar or behind the ears. Coughs Add a drop to steaming water, place a towel over your head and inhale until the steam stops. Also massage into the chest and balls of the feet. Depression Add a drop to steaming water, place a towel over your head and inhale until the steam stops. Massage into the pads of feet and the toes. Fibroids Massage into the reflex points of the feet, or try a hot compress or adding several drops to a bath. Genital Warts Add a dab to the wart once a day until it disappears. Hepatitis Inhale via steam and massage 2 drops into each of the feet and hands daily. Immune System Support Great during cold and flu season. Diffuse throughout the home and massage 1-2 drops into the feet daily, as needed. Improve Vision Massage into the reflex points of the feet (toes) and hands (tips of fingers). Infected Wounds Inhale from steam, add a drop to warm water and soak the infected area, create a spray using distilled water and several drops of frankincense essential oil and diffuse through the home for overall wellness. Inflammation Massage frankincense essential oil into the inflicted area, being careful to move toward the heart. For general inflammation, add 1 drop to a steaming pot of water and inhale until the water is cooled. Liver Cirrhosis Massage oil of frankincense over the liver, as well as into the outside of the right foot. Aromatic uses are also beneficial. Lou Gehrigs Disease Inhale 1-2 drops via steam daily. Massage into the entire body, always moving toward the heart. Massage over the soles of the feet daily. Meditation and Prayer Diffuse through the room, rub on hands, feet and over head. Memory Inhale 1-2 drops via steam as needed. Diffuse while study or working. Massage into the toes and base of the toes. Mental Fatigue Add to your bath water at the end of a long day, massage into your scalp or across your chest. Miscarriage (After) Add to a warm bath, massage the abdomen and around the ankles and over the feet. Diffuse through the room. And allow yourself stillness, care and vulnerability. Moles Apply a dab directly to the mole several times a day. Consider also using sandalwood. MRSA Massage into the pads of the feet and across the chest. Steam inhalation or diffusing may also be beneficial if it doesnt aggravate the condition. Multiple Sclerosis Use over the entire body during gentle massage. Apply to the soles of the feet daily. Diffuse or inhale via steam daily. Nasal Polyp Inhale directly via steam (adding 1 drop to a pot of hot water) and massage into the base of the toes daily. Parkinsons Disease Inhale directly via steam daily or twice a day. Also use during full body massage and add to the soles of the feet daily. Plague Diffuse through the room, inhale directly (especially via steam for longer periods of time) and apply topically to the reflex points of the feet. Postpartum Depression Add several drops to bathwater or a foot bath, rub into hair or receive during a foot massage as frequently as possible. Also use aromatically in any way you prefer. Scarring (Prevention) Add a drop to wounds or use during your daily facial cleansing to prevent acne scarring. It may also be beneficial in reducing the appearance of scars when used daily. Tumor (Lipoma) Add 2 drops of frankincense essential oil to a pot of steaming water, place a towel over your head and inhale until the water stops steaming. Do this at least daily. Massage into the reflex points of the feet and also use during body massage, always working toward the heart. Ulcers Take internally in capsules or food, as described above. Gently massage over the area and into the reflex points of the feet. Virus of Nerves Massage over entire body, always moving toward the heart. Massage into the reflex points of the feet. Add to a warm bath. Warts Apply frankincense essential oil directly to the wart daily. Wrinkles Gently massage into the skin in upward circular motions daily. Because it contains sesquiterpenes, allowing it to go beyond the blood-brain barrier, many other uses for frankincense essential oil have been reported: aging, insect bites, any respiratory illness or disease, carbuncles, diarrhea, diphtheria, gonorrhea, headaches, healing of any kind, hemorrhaging, herpes, high blood pressure, jaundice, laryngitis, meningitis, nervous conditions, prostate, pneumonia, sciatic pain, snake bites, sores, spiritual awareness, stress, syphilis, tension, tonsillitis, wounds, pineal and pituitary gland function, increases leukocyte activity, defending against infection. Also said to increase good moods, which in turn strengthens the immune system. You may also find it useful in layering over other oils to amplify their affects but be sure to always choose Oman frankincense essential oil for the highest quality and potent properties. In addition to this oil, also consider trying a cellular blend, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Wild Orange, or check out other essential oils here. IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER None of these health benefits, nor the ideas below, have been evaluated or approved by the FDA, should be used in place of personal judgment or medical treatment when needed, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. (Only your doctor can diagnose and treat disease. Only your body can prevent or cure it.) https://mydoterra/embracebecoming/ Learn more about frankincense with this video below. vimeo/28065809
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 19:21:42 +0000

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