40 years with Jerry Lee Dallas A partial list of our journey - TopicsExpress


40 years with Jerry Lee Dallas A partial list of our journey together. 1. That I have a father and his name is Houston Edward Ross , that being said, I will always be Jerry to you. He will always be your dad . 2. Your word is everything 3. Men raised by men can tell a lot of things by your hand shake 4. Dont be afraid of any man , dont back down and stand up for what is right no matter the cost. 5. Get up early and go to work for your family. Not yourself, it will mean more and keep you on target. 6. Be 15 minutes early , never be late ... If you are going to be late then dont go. 7. Dont make excuses. 8. Learn defeat and how it feels. 9. Never lie to me, Im your attorney and I cant represent you if I dont have all the evidence. 10. Cowards are worthless individuals. 11. Your FAITH is yours and yours alone , youll be lucky if you make it to heaven son and God wont let you ride someone elses coat tails. 12. Your going to make people mad ... Period. 13. Always provide a sound working car for your wife first ... You second. 14. Make your rounds and be sure the house is locked up at night so your family can rest peacefully. 15. If you hang around cagada then your going to smell like cagada ! ( he substituted words often ) 16. You may have a hand full of real true friends in your lifetime , and thats only if you were one. 17. Never allow a person to belittle you in front of your wife and children. 18. Your wife and kids ALWAYS come first above you , its a weight a real man has to bear. 19. Dont let your vices get out of control. They just might haunt you. 20. Educate your family of what to do in a fire. 21. Dont start trouble because its classless ! But if someone touches you wrong touch them back. 22. Teach your children to respect you even if they may not agree with you. 23. NEVER handle a woman inappropriately ! 24. Never stab someone in the back , only say things that you would say to their face . 25. Read everything you can , even if you disagree ... It gives you perspective ! 26. Put no man above you, your just as good as they are ... Probably better ( he said this in private to me one day while we were working together, he wasnt a mushy kind of guy so when he said something positive about my nature .. I heard it loud and clear) 27. ENGAGE YOUR BRAIN ! 28. Do not borrow anything from anyone ! 29. Represent the Flag and everything it stands for even if DC is corrupt ... Soldiers gave their lives for you son, be thankful ! 30. Solute the uniform and rank ... Not the man ! 31. Pay for a professional to teach your kids to defend themselves but teach your wife to shoot a gun. Your kids will get some exercise and discipline , while your wife will have some peace of mind. 32. Never jump out and scare me ... I might react before I know its you. 33. He baptized me , it meant a lot to him ... He cried but he didnt want me to know, I acted like I didnt see him. I was blessed by Jerry being in my life , he was one of a kind and I mean that sincerely ... We were close because of my nature and that I didnt judge him. He told me things that he felt I needed to know and somethings that I shouldnt but he wanted me to know. God gave him a safe haven through me. Jerry knew my word was as good as gold because he instilled that in me . He trusted me. Battles , he knew every sense of the word and he taught me how never to stop fighting ... No matter how bad it might get. I rarely saw him smile and we not often but on occasion laughed at something , he seemed troubled my entire life. But he had a heart of gold especially for children. A million words would not justify this status so Ill leave with this... GS-14 one of 7 men in the world . Fire Marshal over the pacific US Naval fleet ... your resume is immense and the work youve put in justifies it ...Jerry I dont solute your rank and all the many accolades youve acquired ... I only solute the man that made a difference in this kids life . I know youve got to be coordinating something where you are now , you wouldnt have it any other way ! Those big bay doors opened one last time and that meticulous sparkling engine will take you far beyond what we on earth could ever conceive. 1 Cor. 2:9 However, as it is written: What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived -- the things God has prepared for those who love him-- May God use you in His plan within eternity as He used you here on earth. I love you and will miss you my dear friend and mostly DAD. Goodbye for now
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 14:46:10 +0000

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