41 REASONS "TO" DATE A PHOTOGRAPHER YOU’LL NEVER MISS A MOMENT Even if your photographer companion is not paying attention to something interesting, it’s not a problem. There’s always a high end camera around waiting to capture the moment. BUYING A CHRISTMAS OR BIRTHDAY PRESENT GETS A LOT EASIER It’s very simple really. All you have to do is get something related to photography, within your budget. It’ll do the trick every time. Just make sure not to get the same filter twice. Canon Rebel T4i | Nikon D7100 | Nikon D800 | Canon 5D Mark III | Nikon D5200 | Sony A99 THEY UNDERSTAND FINESSE That’s because their gear is probably worth more than your car so, yes, they know how to take care of precious merchandise. THEY FIND BEAUTY ALL AROUND They even see it where you don’t, and then help you see it. Abandoned buildings and rainy days on the beach for instance. A world of new beauty is about to unfold when dating a photographer. YOUR DIET WILL NO LONGER BE A BIG ISSUE Not to worry if you put on a little extra weight. Your partner will probably Photoshop it out later. YOU WILL MISS NO MEMORIES Virtually every important (and not important) moment of your life will be documented. YOU WON’T MISS ANOTHER SUNSET OR SUNRISE That’s because the photographer you’re dating will probably set the alarm clock at insane hours just to make sure you don’t miss it and he’ll be up to take a good photo. YOU’LL SMILE MORE OFTEN It’s in their job description to know how to make people smile. YOU’LL ACTUALLY TALK ABOUT THINGS OTHER THAN SPORTS Photographers have a tendency to be well read and you’ll probably have a lot to talk about. PROPORTIONS WILL BE REVERSED The small things will look large and vice versa. YOU’LL KNOW WHAT GOOD LIGHT LOOKS LIKE That’s because it’s the most essential thing in their work. THEY’LL HELP YOU SEE THINGS DIFFERENTLY That’s because they’re trained to always look for different perspectives. Naturally, you’ll be the one they’ll share them with. THEY KNOW HOW TO MOVE IN THE DARK. Comments are useless on this one. THEY PROBABLY WON’T HANG OUT IN BARS A LOT Ironically, most of a photographer’s time is spent in front of a computer, so going out for a beer with friends will probably involve you as well. There just isn’t time to do everything separately. THEY HAVE A NATURAL INSTINCT FOR CHARGED BATTERIES Even if you forget to charge something ordinary, like your phone, your date will probably remember that for you. It’s in a photographer’s blood to have full energy at all times. photographytalk/photography-articles/3295-41-reasons-to-date-a-photographer
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 00:42:04 +0000

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