41. Which among the following was the unit of measurement of land - TopicsExpress


41. Which among the following was the unit of measurement of land in Maratha dominions ? [A] Kathi [B] Tanab [C] Jarib [D] Daftari bigha Kathi Explanation In the Maratha Land revenue system, Assessment of land revenue was based on measurement. The Kathi of Malik Ambar was adopted as the unit of measurement. Malik Ambar followed the earlier Hindu customs of land measurement and adopted the ‘Kathi’ or measuring stick as the standard for demarcating the boundaries of the land. The length of this kathi was five cubits and five closed fists. (Maharashtra in the Age of Shivaji by Ra Kulakarni 1969). The Maratha government utilized various units for measuring the land but they continued the Kathi as the unit of measurement which was also in practice in Swarajya under Shivaji. The Kathi was later called Shivkathi. Note: Malik Ambar was the regent of the Nizamshahi dynasty of Ahmednagar from 1607 to 1626 and pioneer in guerilla warfare. 42. The portion of the actual produce fixed as state’s share under the Zabti System of Mughals was ___? [A] One-half [B] One-third [C] One-fourth [D] One-fifth One-third Explanation Akbar’s finance minister Todar Mal introduced a land revenue system whereby the aggregate of the rate of collection for 10 years from 1570 to 1580 was taken and one third of them was taken as the basis of assessment. This new system was called as Zabti System or Ain-i-Dahsala. 43. The most important source of information about the agrarian conditions during Mughals is__? [A] Ain-i-Akbari [B] Akbarnama [C] Muntakhab-ul-Lubab [D] Tarikh-i-Ferishta Ain-i-Akbari Explanation Ain-i-Akbari by Abul Fazal is the main source for today’s historians to know about the structure of agrarian relations from the time of Akbar onwards. 44. Who among the following was the French explorer who visited court of Emperor Shah Jahan and left a detailed account of Takht-i-Taus (Peacock throne) ? [A] Jean-Baptiste Tavernier [B] Geronimo Verroneo [C] Pierre-Jean Grosley [D] Jean-Paul Dubois Jean-Baptiste Tavernier Explanation Jean-Baptiste Tavernier,a French jeweller and traveller of the Mughal period has left a detailed account of Takht-i-Taus (Peacock throne). Peacock throne was a dazzling and spectacular display of Mughal architecture. Its construction was undertaken by the Emperor Shah Jahan and he personally spent a great deal of time and energy in the designing of the Throne. 45. The author of Tabqat-i-Akbari was___? [A] Badauni [B] Khwaja Nizamuddin Ahmad [C] Abul Fazl [D] Khwand Mir Khwaja Nizamuddin Ahmad Explanation : Khwaja Nizamuddin Ahmad was a Muslim historian of late medieval India ,is the writer of ‘Tabqat-i-Akbari’. The work is a general history of India covering the time from the Ghaznavids up to 1593-94. He was Akbar’s Mir Bakhshi. 46. Which among the following scholars in the Mughal Court alleged that Akbar was an enemy of Islam? [A] Badauni [B] Niamtullah [C] Abbas Khan Sarwani [D] Nizamuddin Ahmad Badauni Explanation Abd-ul-Qadir Bada’uni (1540 – 1615) was a famous Mughal historian who flourished at the court of Akbar. He disapproved of Akbar’s religious views. An orthodox Sunni, Badauni prepared a list of charges against Akbar and dubbed him enemy of Islam. He alleged that Akbar tried to destroy Islam and tried to propagate Hinduism at the cost of Islam. 47. Which among the following was the single biggest item of import to the Vijayanagar empire? [A] Precious stones [B] Horses [C] Luxury goods [D] Raw Silk Horses Explanation Kings of Vijayanagar, imported Arabian horses on a large scale, in order to improve the breed of cavalry horses in their own districts. Thus, the single biggest item of import to the Vijayanagar empire was Horses. 48. The highest officer under the Turkish / Khilji Rulers of the Delhi Sultanate was___ ? [A] Qazi-ul-Mulk [B] Naib-i-Mulk [C] Head of the Majlis-i-Khalawat [D] Wazir Naib-i-Mulk Explanation The post of Naib-i-Mamlakat, equivalent of the English term ‘regent’ was created by the Turkish slave rulers. It was later called called Naib- i-Mulk or Malik Naib (under Khilji). The Sultan dominated the central government as he was the legal head of the state and acted as the chief executive and the highest court of appeal. The Sultan was assisted by number of ministers. In them Naib-i-Mulk or malik naib held highest stature in the central government of the Sultanate. 49. During the Delhi Sultanate, who among the following were called the Barids? [A] Craftsmen [B] Bodyguards of the Sultan [C] Officer-in-charge of state exchequer [D] The spy / news reporters The spy / news reporters Explanation Barid-i-mumalik was the head of the information and intelligence department. Only a nobleman who enjoyed the fullest confidence of Sultan was appointed the chief barid. The Barid-i-Mumalik had to keep information of all that was happening in the Sultanate. At local level there were barids who used to send regular news concerning the matters of the state to the central office. Apart from barids, another set of reporters also existed who were known as Munihiyan. 50. The Sayyid dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate is called so because__? [A] Its founder and his successors adopted the title Sayyid [B] Its founder and his successors belonged to the Sayyid tribe of eastern Turkistan [C] Its founder and his successors were descendant of the prophet Muhammad [D] Its founder was a scholar of Islamic theology Khizr Khan was the descendant of the prophet Muhammad Explanation The Sayyid dynasty was the fourth dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate from 1414 to 1451 A.D. Khizr Khan was the founder ruler of Sayyid dynasty and he is said to be a descendant of Prophet Muhammad.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 12:57:15 +0000

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