41 years ago today, I married the love of my life, Weve had some - TopicsExpress


41 years ago today, I married the love of my life, Weve had some hard bumps, but more mostly good ones, we take care of each other, when he went threw three back surgerys, i made sure i did my best to take care of him, and tried to make things as easy as i could, and now i cant do much he does the same for me, we raised three children, two boys and one girl,,,and I love them all, some times would like to pinch the boys heads off , well enough said about that, but out of all of that we have nine grand-kids,,even tho we only get to see and be with six of them, they are truly the apple of our eye,,,they keep us going,,,nothing can make my heart melt more than my grand kids,, its been said you just cant get by without fighting,, but that is not true,,of course, Im not a talker, can go on and on without talking Gary will still turn the car radio on so someone will talk to him..lol..thats his way of teasing me,,, im sitting here writing this and noone here but me and him, and its so quite u could hear a pin drop..but somehow, threw all the years, he got use to me not talking, and now he doesnt say much, i think i must have rub off on him a little..God has been so good to us, and if you havent heard him preach your missing a blessing, he is a powerful and bless preacher, God has blessed us to sing, we dont sing like we did, not to be bragging but we blend, without music, so pretty,,but our daughter works so much,,,I often wonder why dad would brag on his family so much, cause we werent perfect at all, just forgiven, and now i know..our family may not be perfect, but one thing i know for sure we our forgiven, and Im on my way to heaven and that Journal gets sweeter and sweeter,,,and to walk into heaven hand in hand with the one I married,,forty one years ago,,Oh what a blessings, Love you Gary Phillips.. Happy Anniversary Gary, Love You Much
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 13:12:52 +0000

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