421 entries in my precognitive dreams and visions journal. Number - TopicsExpress


421 entries in my precognitive dreams and visions journal. Number 422 and 423 are in the works. Someone messaged me that she was very disappointed in me that I did not dream a dream for her. She is in a very difficult situation. So she lashed out at me when I told her I had not received a dream for her. She refused to believe it. Instead she said I wasnt praying hard enough. I have never seen FAITH like this. I should be offended by her abusive language. But now Im thinking...even if I dont think Im a PROPHET, I may be all that a few souls hungry for God may have. I know she is hungry for God. But for some reason, she is unable to receive signs and dreams. I have dreamed dreams for others, about others. Many have been touched by HaShems dreams for them. Maybe she is right. Maybe I AM NOT PRAYING HARD ENOUGH. Maybe I AM NOT SUFFERING or SACRIFICING ENOUGH. Maybe. And yet my body is already broken. I dont understand what I have left to give. People are already horrified by what Ive had to suffer. Her name has the same gematria as NOAH. Camille Marbella Note that please because you also dream of Noah and Mar (Marcheshvan is this month and it alludes to Noah). I was watching this video on Parashat Noah and the Music of the cosmos. My dreams of Death at 11/15 are about a MUSIC BOX and a JOINT. I am also told to build a LIFEBOAT - but when I look at the BOAT, it is FRIGGIN NOAHs ARK. Even the man who appears as SOLOMON/PHANTOM in my dreams is a real-life BOAT BUILDER. In another precognitive dream San Francisco shows me that the COSMOS is like a chandelier of singing crystals - absolute precision of their frequencies keep the entire LIGHT SHOW from crashing down. (WATCH THE VIDEO AS THE RABBI SAYS THE EXACT SAME THING) It is strange.... In the Talmud, Noah was given the gift of ART-iculation - he had the full set of joints (articulate literally means jointed) for 10 fingers, unlike those who came before him. In real life, this music box which I obtained from Sorrento, Italy, plays a popular Elvis Presley song called SURRENDER. My dreams keep on telling me that I havent completely surrenedered to the GIFT of JOSEPH the DREAMER. I am AFRAID to wield the NEHUSHTAN. I understand now from what you guys have been telling me that I do have some talents in Art. I was not taught how to draw, how to write poems or short stories, how to reverse-engineer security codes, how to compose music, and yet it comes through my dreams and all I have to do is write it all down. Sometimes, I understand languages Ive never even been taught - the meaning plays like a movie in my mind. Last night, my angel (721) showed me that I had been given all the 36 BLACK Full-Tone KEYS of the 88-teclados. Black is the color of BINAH - the domain of the Archangel of Thrones - Tzaphkiel - Who Dreams with God. Perhaps she is right in LASHING OUT AT ME. :) I am sorry. May HaShem forgive me. I know He loves everyone. He loves her. Perhaps I am not trying hard enough. She is His Bride, you know. My failure to receive a prophetic dream about her should reflect on me and not on HaShem. If He so wills it, may He send a dream to me for her, or may He send her a dream for herself. In the end, I cannot demand it of Him, but maybe its my fault. https://youtube/watch?v=rSm2mYBruPM
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 01:33:31 +0000

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