440 I ordered Sinan agha to build a dervish lodge in - TopicsExpress


440 I ordered Sinan agha to build a dervish lodge in Jahangirs name. I transferred the land near it to you. Sumbul: Sultanim dont...you already have given me the world. Hurrem: It is important for people to have mosques and lodges for their worship, but for women, for the womens happiness I want to do something. I wish to have a hamam built that would suit my name. They will visit it to forget the sorrows of the world. Sumbul: Sultanim I swear the women will never forget you and will always be in your debt. Hurrem shouts in pain. She tells him not to worry but to take her to to the sofa. The next day Hurrem is walking through the gardens. Her situation is deteriorating. We see her on the terrace and in the bed taking medicine. Then on the terrace in Suleymans arms. In the morning Suleyman is in his room with Hurrem and Ferhat arrives telling them that their sons have arrived. Beyazid and Selim dismount and walk together. Beyazid: You didnt stop, you have complained about me havent you? There is no other explanation for us to be here at the same time. Selim: Beyazid, if I had complained about you, you would not be alive right now. I also do not know why we have come here. They see Mihrimah who greets her brothers and hugs them and welcomes them. Selim: Why has our Hunkar called us here, do you know? Mihrimah: Come with me The boys enter their fathers room and kiss his hand. Selim: Mother, why did you not say you were ill before? How can you hide this? Bey: What is happening to you mother? Hurrem: While I thought they would hug my neck and we could catch up, I am hearing scolding. They kiss her hands. Hurrem: My lion shehzades. I have missed you so much. Selim, what happened to your face? Selim: Nothing important mother, I was practicing and it was a small accident. Hurrem: My grandchildren, have they come as well? For long I have missed them! Selim: They have come mother, my Sh. Murat is here too. He joined us on the way. Bey: My children are asking for you. Hurrem: I heard you have had a new son... Bey: It is true, I have given him the name of my deceased brother Mehmet. Hurrem and Suleyman smile at each other. Hurrem: May Allah grant Mehmet a long life. Sumbul has heard about what has happened from Lokman and Fariha. Then he asks what the outcome will be and Lokman says that perhaps Hurrem will speak to them and will make sure that they smarten up. Fariha says they will listen to her last wish of course. Sumbul says no way, and that they shall not sadden Hurrem for no reason and that no matter what she did it did not work, she even traveled to Manisa and it did not work. He adds that now everything is left up to the Shehzades consciences and that Hurrem wants to spend her last moments in peace, and he warns them not to speak a word of it all because of this! Nurbano is saying: I left here with bad memories last time. May Allah not let us live through that again. Canfeda: Amin Sultanim. Defne has also come and meets Nurbnao: What are you doing here? Did Beyazid not order your execution. (sorry but right now I cant really deal with Nurbano she is annoying me!!!!!) Defne: He understood that I was innocent and he forgave me. He knows I became sacrificed to a devil like you. Nur: Insolent. How do you speak to me like this? Defne: There is no cariye standing in front of you. I am the shehzades favourite and the mother of a shehzade. Dont forget that we both come from the same lands. I will read what is in your mind and act before you. From now on, if you try to harm a hair on my Shehzades head, I wont have mercy, know it. Rustem is in his office and Beyazid arrives. Rustem: Welcome my Shehzade, I wish we did not have to meet under such terrible circumstances. Bey: Our pain is indescribable. It is difficult to say goodbye to my mother. When I saw her in Manisa she was not doing good. But the doctor had said it was nothing important right Lala? Lala: At that time, they were not properly able to diagnose her. When I found out of our Sultanas condition, believe me I was shaken up. Rustem: In these times I do not want to speak of it, but these last few incidents between you and your brother are extremely disconcerting. Bey: When was it not disconcerting? Neither the oath he made to my mother, nor the blood that he carries in his veins can stop Selim. He is always after treachery. Rustem: Seeing as how he even took Hurrem Sultan against him Allah forbid who knows what he will do in her absence. Bey: This is not the time to speak of this. My mother will recover, this is my hope. Rusty: Be rest assured Shehzdem, under all circumstances you will be able to trust us. Lala: I will continue to be your eyes and ears in Manisa, Shehzadem. I am always at your beckon. In the next scene, Sokullu is telling Nurbano and Selim that everybody has been shaken to the core. Selim: I still cant believe it... My mother, and death, I thought these two things would never come side by side. Sok: The absence of our Sultan will cause such a earthquake that it could possibly destroy everything. But life will continue on.. We will feel our pain and live through our mourning, and we will prepare ourselves for the future. Selim: Allah is Great, Sokullu. My mother might get better... Nur: Allah willing, Shehzadem. It would be good to listen to Mehmet Pashas words. Hurrem Sultans absence will change all of our lives. Sok: We are both thinking of your future, Shehzadem. I must take all precautions for you. Nur: Hurrem Sultan was standing in between you and Sh. Beyazid. From now on you will be head to head. Soon there will be no strength to keep you both apart from each other. Selim: We will discuss these when the time comes. Sok: Whenever you wish, Shehzadem. In Hurrems room, Hurrem tells Lokman and Fariha: So he forgave that Khatun... Beyazid... If I called him bewildered, it would be accurate. Lok: Our Shehzade gave into the needs of his child, if you saw our Shehzade, he was so small and weak. If it was anybody else, he would have definitely taken her life, but our Shehzade has a heart of gold. Hurrem: Why did Nurbanu leave from Aydin? Far: She was not able to resist her longing for Sh. Selim. He decided that her staying with him would be fine. Hurrem: Call her immediately. Fah: I wouldnt want her to disturb you... Hurrem: Immediately! Mihrimah is speaking with Beyazid and Selim in the garden: Our mother tried to stay alive for our sake for years in this palace. She has sacrificed a lot! She went through so many dangers to make sure you were both safe. Despite this, you have both upset her more than any of her enemies could. What is up to us now is to keep our mother very happy in her final days... I dont want any fighting, otherwise you will find me in front of you. Selim: I will do whatever is necessary. Bey: Be calm Mihrimah, our mother is more important than anything else... Nurbano is with Sumbul and he warns her not to speak of the latest incident because she does not know about it. Nurbano tries her how dare you with Sumbul but he silences her and says that he is in great pain and he will take it out on her if she is not silent. Nurbano enters Hurrems room. Nur: I was intending to come and wish you well. Hopefully you will recover. Hurrem: I called you here because I thought you would want to know why you are still breathing, because of my Shehzade Selims love for you. Just for him not to be sad. I allowed that you be sent away. But you took this as me being weak is that right? Nur: No Sultanim, I have done some bad things in the past it is true, I am living the life that you chose for me.You chose me Sultanim. Whatever I did, I did it for Shehzade Selim and my children. It was for the man who I loved to stay alive. Your story has always lightened my way. But there is a difference between your story and mine. When you won our Hunkars heart, he had already gotten on the throne. In front of our love there stands a huge test. Hurrem: You think you will see that day? Nur: Dont doubt it. One day this palace will become my home. One day I will stay in this room. You know very well, eras change and my era will start. Hurrem stands and faces her. Hurrem: I came here by passing through fire and coals. I did not sit at the table of kitties, but at the table of lions. Since this is your intention. Then get ready to burn. Nur: I am ready Sultanim. I have taken everything into consideration. Hurrem: great. You may leave. When Nurbano leaves she says: This time I do not want mistakes. This hatun will die. Fariha: Be certain I will take her life ..
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 03:35:54 +0000

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