#4457 ADMINS CHOICE: THE FEAR FACTOR FOR WOMEN I think I have a - TopicsExpress


#4457 ADMINS CHOICE: THE FEAR FACTOR FOR WOMEN I think I have a serious issue of being scared of the opposite gender, especially if they are not known to me or are mere strangers. I wonder how many girls face the same issue. Well it goes like, a few days back my friends and I went to visit a nearby waterfall in Khetri. Whoever have visited that place knows exactly how isolated it is. It is in the foothills and kind of a forest area. We have to go deep inside the village, park your car somewhere near the road and walk a few distances to reach the falls. It’s a wonderful place for nature lovers and nature explorer like me. Fresh air, stream water running down, forest area all around, such bliss! But alas! I was too scared to go. We were 2 guys and 3 girls. We drove up to the place after a lot of searching and were quite excited to see the falls. But as soon as we neared the place we saw a few guys in their mid twenties, around 10 to 15 of them, talking bath, drinking and loitering around. My other female friend and I stopped in our tracks. Why? Did the guys say something? No! Did they do something? No. But it’s a pity that the world has become so cruel that now every female is afraid of the male gender especially in India. Even though we were with guys we didn’t feel safe. We felt scared, intimidated, we didn’t want anything to happen to us. Even if they were harmless human beings we saw them as hungry wolves. Because from a very young age we are taught not to get raped or anything near to rape, we didn’t move further at all from the gate that led to the falls. We stood there while our other male friends went forward to explore while we said that we weren’t comfortable or I should rather say scared and walked back towards our car. Our friends said no to worry as they were there but they were 2 against so many. We didn’t want anything happening to us or our friends. It is sad that a moment which we wanted to enjoy and have fun turned dull as we all sulked back to our car. We weren’t dress inappropriately, we weren’t drunk, and then why were we scared? Why did our place of enjoyment turn to a place of fear? Why were we afraid of those unknown guys? You all know the answer. I just have a request when you see a girl or girls minding her own business do not harass her or tease or make her feel uncomfortable. It doesn’t feel great, it doesn’t feel wonderful or marvelous to be stared or commented or groped. Please Stop! We are tired of being scared of you always. We are tired of being scared to walk freely, go to some unknown place alone, tired of being afraid all the time. You men are not animals don’t make us look at you like one. 25/M
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 04:30:00 +0000

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