#45 This cannot be happening, not now not ever. What am I going - TopicsExpress


#45 This cannot be happening, not now not ever. What am I going to do with another child. Im emotionally not ready for this, the worst part being I have no idea who the father of my baby is. Lunga:” you didn’t know?” I stare at him still deep in thought. Lunga:” whet are you thinking?” me:” nothing” lunga:” it cant be nothing, talk to me.” I look away, lunga:” lethu we need to talk about this” me:” there is nothing to talk about” lunga:” I beg to differ, we have plenty to talk about the first being how could you have forgotten to take the pills” me:” excuse you, you could have reminded me” lunga:” I did, countless times and you said we were busy. I even offered to bring them by but you refused. Im sorry to be the one who says this but we need to talk and find a way forward with this” me:” i was busy that week and unfortunately for me it slipped my mind” lunga:” now look at us now, with an unplanned baby on the way” me:” don’t worry I will take care of this pregnancy” lunga:” take care? How? Are you thinking about terminating the pregnancy?” I keep quiet, I honestly don’t know what Im thinking of doing. All I know is Im in extremely hot water and I need to find a way out. lunga:” answer me” me:” answer what?” lunga:” what did you mean with what you said?” me:” just that” he sighs, I can hear he is fiddling with something. Im still facing away from him with tears running down my face. if this is some form of a crazy joke, I would very much appreciate it if who ever it is that is responsible for this prank to put me back at ease. I wait and wait but nothing. Lunga:”you’re pregnant and as the father of this child. I will not let you kill my baby, my first born, I cant let you do that and if it means I take the legal route into ensuring that that child remains safe I will do that.”me:” is that all?” lunga:” lethu please I beg you, don’t test me. that’s my seed growing there and I can tell that you don’t want him, its fine I will take care of him. all I need you to do is carry him for the next +- 34 weeks for me, please” me:” please leave” lunga:” what?” me:” I need to be alone, go” lunga:” lethu…” me:” now lunga” he reluctantly leaves and I cry even more until I fall asleep. I wake up in some time later, Im thirsty, hungry and in pain. I don’t see any movement on the corridor, I stare at the ceiling with no thought occupying my mind except to get something to suppress my pain, hunger and thirst. Some time later a male and a female nurse walk in, probably doing their routine check ups on all the patients. Male nurse:” mrs zuma how are we feeling?” me:” hungry and in pain” male nurse:” ok, sister mlotshwa will you please get me some pain killers and water. We came in at 18:00 to give you your food and meds but you were fast asleep. you will need to eat first” the female nurse disappers and emerges a few minutes later with water, vegetable soup and my pills. Im not a fan of soups, I just don’t like them no mater how fancy and appetising they look or smell, I don’t like them. male nurse:” here’s your soup, when you are done take this cocktail and you don’t have to worry about it being toxic, its 100 % safe for women in your condition” he smiles, me:” condition?” male nurse:” pregnancy” he winks and Im irritated by the soup and then his ‘condition’ remark. Me:” is there anything else that I can have beside this?” I point at the bowl of thick mustard(ish) soup with with peas, carrots and some other vege that I can see clearly. Male nurse:” no there isn’t” female nurse:” Dr Khuzwayo brought you some drinking yogurtwhile you were sleeping. Would you like that?” me:” yes please” male nurse:” the soup is a much better option though” me:” you can have it if you like, but Im not having this thing for a meal” male nurse:” pregnancy hormones are playing with you shame” she scribbles something down, then smile up at me. male nurse:” are you and Dr K friends?” female nurse:” your out of order” I give him a i-cannot-believe-you-are asking-me-that-question look, that is followed by another full of disappointment. Male nurse:” fine I get it, he is really worry about you. he even went as far as asking us to keep a close eye on you” female nurse:” your mouth will get you into trouble one of these days”…
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 18:23:45 +0000

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