45. What are examples of love? Aisha was very lovely wife of - TopicsExpress


45. What are examples of love? Aisha was very lovely wife of prophet Mohammad. One day Mohammad was turning to madina with his few peoples. Aisha was with him in a palanquin lonely. At nightfall they break their traveling beside a jangle. The last night Aisha goes to jangle for toilet. When she turns back from jangle she sees they have been gone. Anyone does not check in to her palanquin. They think she is in to palanquin. The Safwoan was security of this traveling. He turns back to that place for finding things of peoples. This finding was his duty. Perhaps anyone has been done mistakes to take his things. He sees the Aisha is sat down in that place. Then Aisha and Safwoan turn back to madina. After that Mohammad does not speak with her. Aisha was too much worry for silent mood of Mohammad. Abu-Bakr was her father and good friend of Mohammad. She calls him. Aisha : father, why does not prophet speak with me? Abu-Bakr : dear, perhaps you have been done mistake. Aisha : father, what is my mistake? Abu-Bakr : dear, some peoples tell you have been done some bad work with Safwoan. For that the prophet feels very pain all time. So he does not speak with you. Aisha : father, I am going to my mother home. You just send this message to the prophet. Then Abu-Bakr so worries. He comes to the Mohammad. He was sit down at masque of madina. Mohammad : Abu-Bakr, what happen? Abu-Bakr : prophet, please forgive me. Mohammad : Abu-Bakr, just tell me what happen? Abu-Bakr : prophet, I want to tell Aisha is gone to my home. Mohammad : Abu-Bakr, why has been she gone to your home without my permission? Abu-Bakr : prophet, because she has been known you are doubting about her purity. Mohammad : Abu-Bakr, so what can I do? Abu-Bakr : prophet, I don’t know. I think your every feelings is true. I just believe you. Mohammad : Abu-Bakr, she hides herself to me. She stays silent mood always. Abu-Bakr : prophet, it is very bad. She needs to explain all things about herself. Mohammad : Abu-Bakr, I hate her. Because how does she leave me? Abu-Bakr : prophet, it was very bad. Please forgive her. Mohammad : Abu-Bakr, no. I shall not forgive her. Because why has been she gone to mother home without my permission? Abu-Bakr : prophet, she is so foolish. She has not good knowledge. Mohammad : Abu-Bakr, you just send this message to her if she can to leave me, I shall can to leave her also. Then Abu-Bakr just cries. Suddenly the creator knocks the heart door of Mohammad. Creator : Mohammad, do you can to publish your full body to every one? Mohammad : Allah, no. I shall not can. Creator : Mohammad, yes. Because it has some hidden side. Mohammad : Allah, yes. Creator : Mohammad, do you can to angry about anything of your mother? Mohammad : Allah, no. Because she’s place is after you. Creator : Mohammad, yes. She has not any wrong. Mohammad : Allah, yes. Creator : Mohammad, do you can to save the dirty of your body? Mohammad : Allah, no. Because it needs to wash every day. Creator : Mohammad, yes. You need neat and clean your body every day. I like it. Mohammad : Allah, yes. Creator : Mohammad, do you feel any boor for anytime? Mohammad : Allah, yes. Sometimes I feel boor. Because sometimes I don’t get thyself. I just find where am i? that time I feel I need to live lonely. Creator : Mohammad, yes. Because everyone has a won wish. It is power of new creation. Mohammad : Allah, yes. Creator : Mohammad, do you can to refuge the true? Mohammad : Allah, no. Because the true is life. Any person is death without true. Creator : Mohammad, yes. Because the true is me. The creation is death without me. Mohammad : Allah, yes. Creator : Mohammad, the love is as like those. Mohammad : Allah, I don’t understand. Please tell me clearly. Creator : Mohammad, the love is as like a body. It has some hidden side. If you want to open as your wish you will be wrong. Because it is uncivilized work. You need to please what side open is. The love is as like mother. it has not any wrong. It is correct all time. If you lose it, you will lose everything. The pain from your love is as like dirty of your body. So don’t save it. You need to delete every day all pain of your lover. The lover is as like yourself. She can to feel sometimes boor. You need to manage her. The love is as like me. So you can’t refuge your love anytime ever. Mohammad : Allah, yes. Thank you so much. I understand your speech. I need to go Aisha for turning her to me. Then Mohammad goes to Aisha. Mohammad : Aisha, let go to our home. Aisha : prophet, please forgive me. I need to know about myself. Ask the Allah am I pure or not? Mohammad : Aisha, what do you mean? Aisha : prophet, if Allah does not send any Ayah of Quran about myself I shall not go to your home. Mohammad : Aisha, ok. As your wish. When Mohammad was turning to home the creator has been given him full knowledge about Aisha. Creator : Mohammad, Aisha is pure. Every one need punished who tells wrong word about Aisha. You just read my order to your people and give them punished. After that Aisha turns back to Mohammad. This is end. The hundred letters of love. Written by Tanvir Arefin.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 19:31:16 +0000

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