469 Gaza children killed during the 2014 conflicts. How many - TopicsExpress


469 Gaza children killed during the 2014 conflicts. How many Israeli children were killed till now? I looked on the net and found no numbers. Was it maybe 3??? 5? 469/3; Boy, that makes it an eye for an eye doesnt it... I dont believe in rubbing it in, but - OMG - I AM GOOD at maths... What I found, however, was The Code of Conduct of the Israeli Defense Forces which explicitly prohibits targeting non-combatants and dictates proportional force, stating, in part, that The soldier shall make use of his weaponry and power only for the fulfillment of the mission and solely to the extent required; he will maintain his humanity even in combat. The soldier shall not employ his weaponry and power in order to harm non-combatants or prisoners of war, and shall do all he can to avoid harming their lives, body, honor and property. However, Philip E. Veerman in an academic study found that the reaction of Israeli police and military against Palestinian violence was so strong it that it practically eliminates the chances of effective training directed at the protection of children.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 11:49:34 +0000

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