47 #NellY So its been 2 months since the whole okafor saga. I - TopicsExpress


47 #NellY So its been 2 months since the whole okafor saga. I had moved in with him in his hotel suite. He was a fun person to be with yazi. We played card games, play station. You name it.. He was taking care of me like i was a new born baby. you are a new born baby. To me he had said when i commented, the time he baked a cake for me. Yes, he baked a cake for me in the hotel kitchen. He took me to see uThobile for my prenatal checkups. Even took me to a spa every once in a while. I was getting fatter and fatter. My belly was now showing, mood swings, raging hormones, you name it.. Being halfway through your pregnancy is no childs play i tell you. Sometimes i would dream of Luthando holding the baby, our baby.. That same dream i first dreamt.. It always came back a few more times. At first lalindothusa but as time went by, yeah i actually enjoyed it. Sometimes i would even see it even when i am awake. Fact still remained, i love my luthando.. No matter what the people said, i could not let go. You should stop thinking so much Okafor said, as he handed me a tub of ice cream and a spoon. We were on our way back to the hotel. I know hey.. But i cant stop, i miss him i said, dipping the spoon in the tub and shoving it in my mouth. I swallowed and then continued: i still love him dad.. He is the father of my child, i cant let this baby grow with out him He smiled, looking at my belly. You just called me dad he said, rubbing my belly. Yes I did.. And no it was not a mistaken. UnguTata wam after all .. You should ease up on the Cosa alright.. Its been a while we laughed at that comment and he grabbed the spoon from my mouth, dipped it in the ice cream and fed me. Then i realised it, i was starting to loive and acknowledge this man as my father. Two more months, then we are leaving for the north, i hope your doctor says its okay to travel at six months.. He said as he got up and went to the fridge and took out some water. He drank up and put the bottle on top of the table. Then approached me. Can i ask you to trust me child? That typ of request usually scared me. Why should he ask me to trust him, unless what he wants to do is untrustable, but none the less i nodded with puppy eyes. He shuckled and then said Viola, your sister, has those same eyes .. Reality kicked in. I had sisters. I was no longer the only child, the only spoiled brat. But this was kind of exciting, i mean, having to share a bloody bond with other people would be so amazing. Some one to call Brother and sister. I shrieked inside with excitment. The time was 9pm when i woke up. I must have fallen asleep. I looked around and Dad was not there. I got up, wore my sleepers and went to his room. Before i could knock i heard him speaking. Yes.. I got the info.. i cant believe its him, he such an honourable person.. I have to do something but not now.. Uh..huh listen do all you can to find him and the merchandise at the same time.. I cant go to France now im bonding with my daughter, yes Don you will see her, its only two months..okay we will stay in touch .. He hung up, then i heard him speak again. I think he dialled some one again. Aaaah Oluchi.. Still in S.A? Good.. Listen i need the best of goods you can organise.. Colour? Size? Now you have started, its a surprise... Uhm okay you know what come over we will discuss it over dinner.. Thats great. Make it 7pm tomorrow.. And bring you husband, great. Finally i knocked, tjo ndiyazithanda iindaba kemnake.. Come in.. I walked in.. aaaah My princess, heiress to the throne, goddess of my heart.. Child, what can i do for you? I could not stop smilling.. He just praised me. Even in his language of which i did not even understand a single word. He has to teach me a few words. Me: I was just checking up on you Him: aah you dont have to do that.. We are safe here, besides im a lion, im always fine [he squizzed me so warmly and yet tightly] I spoke to your doctor, he says you have to see him before we leave Me: But thats like in two months.. Him: No child.. Change of plans.. Its now two weeks, i have already booked the private jet.. Speaking of which, i looked around for the Nana of your child.. Me: Nana? Him: [he shuckled] oh sorry.. I mean grabmother, she was buried last month, next to his son.. The service was beautiful and the middle son was there.. But unfortunately he just joined the army I gasped .. I missed umngcwabo kaMama. I had been so caught up bodning with my new father i completely forgot about her, and yet i claim to love her son more than i loved my self. A tear formed in my one eye. A huge lump gagged my mouth, i gasped in agony and my face immediately flooded with tear.. Him: I can take you to see her grave.. Tomorrow Me: Thanks dad.. That would be nice He pulled me closer and hugged me. That daddy Love kodwa
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 21:00:31 +0000

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