48 Hours to Perigrino House: CRS 2015- THE FINALS. - TopicsExpress


48 Hours to Perigrino House: CRS 2015- THE FINALS. BY PRINCEWILL OJONG ODIDI Luke Chapter 9 vs 62, Jesus replied, No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God. Whoever aspires to be Governor of a state, mobilizes young people, and decides to withdraw without subjecting himself to a simple primary election was not fit or prepared enough to be a Governor from the beginning. Again Luke 14: 28-30 Jesus said: For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it, lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’? This scripture needs no explanation, it speaks for itself. While I congratulate Senator Ayade for receiving the structures of Mr. Legor Idagbor which gives a semblance of the establishment backing his Governorship ambition, I will be quick to advise him, it is not yet Uhuru, (time to celebrate) and he should continue his campaign and consulting. This is not the end of the game, we have begun the longest 48 hours to Perigrino house. If the political establishment was one united house without in fighting’s, I would have assumed it is a home run for Senator Ayade, but a house with such divisions, infightings, political intimidation, sycophancy and eye service loyalty, you can never tell where the political swing goes come Monday the 8th December 2014 in a secret ballot elections were money, betrayals, back stabbing and political aggrieved paybacks will be a major factor. An Establishment that was taken by surprise in the November 21st delegate’s election by Mr. Jeddy Agba and Senator Egba is not an establishment to take their pronouncement serious as a home run. Monday December 8th, maybe a repeat of November 21st. To Ben Ayade, a fine gentleman, a word of advice, the game is not over until it is declared over. The primaries elections will still hold, however, the key contenders in my judgment will be establishment backed Ben Ayade, Emmanuel Ibeshi, Jeddy Agba, and Ntufam Ugbo. The central question remains, Can we trust this establishment or is it a ploy to keep Ben Ayade away from the senatorial elections and also eventually swindle him out of the governorship primaries by Monday. I stand to be corrected if I am proven right, but if proven wrong, I will proceed to congratulate him. For 22 potential aspirants to have emerged to aspire to be Governorship Candidates in PDP Cross River State, majority of them resigning from their plum political jobs, and just with the fiat of a Caucus recommendation, without picking a simple nomination form they were reduced to five and later nine, is a political drama that could only happen in Cross River State. Traditionally, aspirants usually pick nomination forms, solicit for support, and a few days or hours before primary elections, that’s when they step down, but this was not the case in our dear state, rather we had a platoon of Facebook aspirants who had no courage to pick nomination forms, the wisdom in their calculations still remains a mystery to be unraveled by historians when the history of politics in cross river state is written. In this piece, I have decided to profile only the four aspirants that in my judgment will hold on and participate in the primaries and in no particular order. NTUFAM FIDELIS UGBO: Ntufam in my assessment can best be described as a man of the People. His friendly personality is a plus for a Charismatic leader. His familiarity with both the old guards in the state’s politics and the younger generation is an additional plus. If the Party elder- statesmen were to be offered a choice of a Candidate to take over from Imoke, Ntufam will be highly considered. Ntufam has some amazing credentials. He served as commissioner under Col Ahmed and later served as Secretary to government under Imoke and moved to the National Planning commission where he served as Executive Secretary. Before venturing into politics, Ntufam spent almost a decade with the Central Bank of Nigeria. A distinguished financial analyst, economist and Barrister at Law. My first contact with Ntufam was in Abuja some three years ago. His broad smile, openness and receptivity towards a person he was meeting the first time is a plus for one to consider a peoples Governor. If Ntufam Ugbo finally emerges, he definitely will not disappoint the people of the state. His ability to be the first to pick up the data form and the nomination forms and first to be screened speaks volumes about a man that will be ready to lead from day one in office. Ntufam, a traditional local Chief, leads the Urim- benyi clan in Basang East consisting of over 14 villages and over 100 families. Under his leadership, Ntufam mapped the entire land holdings of the clan and commissioned independent surveyors to develop a master plan for the entire land area belonging to the clan. This singular act, would reduce land and communal conflicts among this clans for decades to come. With this singular act, if the history of the people of Urim- benyi Clan is written, Ntufam Ugbo’s name will be inscribed among his fathers and forefathers. His campaign office is quick to point out, Ntufam has built community centers, roads, brought electricity and supported families in Basang with scholarships, subventions, jobs into local state and federal agencies. To most political analyst it only shows he wasn’t waiting for anointing. While some may interpret this as courageous, some may consider it arrogance. He will definitely be his own man. Ntufam will be considered a homeboy Calabar politician, but we cannot under estimate his ability to pull Abuja strings. It is on record that Ntufam Ugbo happens to be one of the first few aspirants who stepped down for Liyel Imoke during the 2006/2007 Primaries that led to Liyel Imoke emerging as governor of the State. While some political analyst believe he has been paid back with plumb political job which included the position as Secretary to government and Executive Secretary of National Planning, others feel the actual pay back should be for Senator Imoke to support his aspiration now that he aspires to a position he once stepped down. When asked how he plans to tackle the problems facing the state, he is quick to point out, I have prepared to lead this state for the past 10 years, and I see the challenges facing Cross River State today as an opportunity. Only a man who knows his worth would dare say those words. Ntufam Chances at the Primaries: While most analyst believe that while delegates may be persuaded by money, it is assumed that most elected state delegates maybe persuaded more by moral loyalty than money. However, if moral loyalty will determine the voting swing or final hour betrayals, these are the factors that may play well into Ntufams advantage and would determine Ntufam chances at the Primary elections. Some political analyst rightly presume, that most conservative party members in the state, who for fear of the establishment have refused to identify with Ntufams Campaign may spring a big surprise at the primaries ballot. Will Ntufam bow to pressure to step down for another aspirant? As at the time of publishing this piece, speaking to Eta Ugbo, it is still not certain. EMMANUEL IBESHI: I will define Ibeshi in one simple phrase: The man to Watch. A Politician to the core. His cool manners, simplicity, and sound religious bearing is a plus for effective leadership. Ibeshi’s political history is as old as Donald and Imoke. If history is anything to go by, Ibeshi is actually part of the original three wise men who met in Lagos some sixteen years ago to strategize the state of our political economy in his Surulere office in Lagos. Ibeshi then serving as a member of the Federal House of Representative, and Chairman banking committee was a strong force to be reckoned with. He is considered among the first group that brought the flag of PDP to Cross River State. Ibeshi’s greatest strength in interpersonal relationship is that he will never pre-empt you when talking. He listens more than he talks. Ibeshi is the type that will listen to advice. He has the ability to work even with those who disagrees with him. Ibeshi is someone I would say I have known all my life. Beginning from the time I was in primary school four corners Ikom when he schooled at Velos to the good old days at Scripture Union. I have followed his political career for over twenty years. Ibeshi’s greatest strength apart from his humility and ability to listen is his quest for technology .He is one of the few Nigerian Politicians I know who is utilizing the 21st century technology in his campaign. If any of the aspirants have the capacity to move CRS to the 21st century bureaucracy and development, I think Ibeshi is that aspirant. His campaign team developed a mobile app and other modern technological campaign widgets he is using to market his program. Ibeshi is a typical Abuja Politician he is not really known in Calabar by younger generations, but he is well known by the old guard. He ran against Governor Imoke in 2006. At several occasions he rebelled against the establishment both at state and national level and he always wins. He was elected member, House of Representatives when the dominant party in the state was NRC. He was elected PDP National Publicity secretary against the candidate adopted and anointed by the state PDP for same position. This is why I called him the “man to watch”. At several occasions, Ibeshi has sprung surprises at the establishment and the next elections may not be an exception. While some will assert that younger people do not know him and popularly talked about, but his quest for using modern technology in his campaign strategy is endearing him more to the Facebook generations. Ibeshi’s Chances: Ibeshi has an unprecedented access to the ruling classes in Nigeria as most of his colleagues he worked with at the National Assembly in 1992 are serving Governors and PDP party stalwarts. Anyone who understands how primary elections and alignments work would not under estimate how this party primaries would turn out to be. Ibeshi’s access to the PDP National Working Committee, the Presidency, The Abuja hawks, and the Conservative Party leadership at the state level, makes him the man to watch in the coming party primaries. The current infighting in the selection process, understanding strategic politicking, may favor Ibeshi if the infighting is not resolved amicably. He is considered a neutral party. He holds a gentleman’s cordial relationship both with Governor Imoke and has no axe to grind with Jeddy Agba, Ntufam Ugbo or Ayades camps. Don’t be quick to write off Ibeshi, remember the intra party fights between Agbalajobi and Dapo Sarumi in the early 90s in Lagos state that brought in Otedola a relatively political unknown to be Lagos State Governor? We may be close to witnessing a similar drama in cross river state. BEN AYADE: People talk about beauty and brains as a good combination, however for Ayade, I will say his combination is “Politics and Brains”. A Professor per excellence, a humanitarian, philanthropist and a man far above his equals in his time. Among his peers in Senate today representing Cross River state, Ayade has no equal in the use of constituency allowances to meet the needs of his constituency. His Campaign office is quick to point out, that if he remembered his people when serving in Abuja how much more will he listen and solve their problems when elected Governor. Ayade is considered the only sitting Senator in Cross River State at peace with his sitting Governor. That tells a lot about him. It shows he is not confrontational and a man who plays according to the rules. It also shows he is a loyal politician. Ayade’s attraction to clean energy and environmental conservation will be very beneficial to cross river state if given the opportunity to serve as Governor. Benedict Ayade studied at the University of Ibadan, Ambrose Alli University in Ekpoma and Delta State University, becoming a Lecturer. An environmental consultant, he was appointed Chairman of the Ecological fund, Chairman of the International Institute of Environmental Research and a member of SPAC. He worked on Groundwater Remediation in Nigeria, and invented a sewage treatment plant based on solar energy. He won an award from the government of Japan for outstanding research into Global warming in Africa. He became a member of the Nigeria Association of Petroleum Engineers and the Cross River State Poverty Alleviation Board. One thing that strikes me most about Senator Ayade is that he is an Inventor. It wouldn’t be an understatement to group Ben Ayade with the likes of Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka or Professor Emegwali who was voted history’s 35th greatest African, among the inventors of the internet, and ranked first by google as the unsung hero behind the internet. Some argue and rightly, that among the aspirants, Ayade has no equal. His campaign team is quick to point out, that the people of Cross River State should be begging Ayade to lead them rather than making him pass through electioneering and campaigns. If Ayade is to return to Senate, His people will definitely send him back because he has a good track record. He provided solar electricity, built food banks, provided scholarships, and created opportunities for his people. Ayades calm disposition is sometimes interpreted as arrogance as he appears to stand tall among his peers. Ayades Chances: His performance as a Senator makes it difficult to deny him another tenure in Senate. Being the only State Senator at peace with Governor Imoke is a plus. Some have argued that his financial muscles will be a perfect match for Jeddy Agba financial capacity, this I cannot dispute. Ayade is considered a young politician with a short political history with the PDP family in Cross River State. To scale through, Ayade would need the blessings of Senator Imokes political machinery without which it may be an uphill task. He is rumored to have presented an economic plan that left no caucus member in doubt if he knew what he was saying. This man is a Professor involved in Politicking. Being a Senator makes him familiar both with Abuja Politics and Calabar King Makers. He enters the primaries as consensus candidate backed by the establishment and Senator Imoke. If this establishment can be trusted or if this establishment will obtain the presumed loyalty from its members in a secret ballot election remains a mute question. JEDDY AGBA: If any politician would take the credit of arm twisting PDP establishments hands, to hand over the Mantle of power to the Northern zone, Jeddy would rightly take that glory. Mr. Agba’s accommodating personality and Philanthropy is his strongest selling point. I have known Jeddy close to 5 years now. A very simple man. I have engaged him on several occasions on business proposals, in all he takes the high road. He is a man who protected his people and looked after them while in office at NNPC. Unconfirmed report has it that he is the highest employer of agricultural labor in the state. He is a man who will not take the short road and circumvent due process, rather he would take the high road and get it right. Some years back during one of my visits in his office at NNPC, some indigenes from CRS came in to see him, seeking his assistance in their promotion to new openings in management. Jeddy as I later understood sat on the committee to screen those due for promotion. I sat in his office that faithful day. What baffled me about Jeddy was that he did not just promise them that he will ensure they are promoted because they were indigenes of cross river state, rather, he sat them down and couched them on how to be prepared for the screening. Jeddy as at then, was a member of the promotions committee. He instructed the lower staff on what was required of them. He explained to them management expectations to be promoted. He made them believe that they could attain higher management by merit and adequate preparations rather than nepotism. At the end of the day, he actually helped them, as one of my in-laws was also promoted in that batch. This was very impressive because he proved to me he values merit to tribalism. In Jeddy Agba I think we find the true Nigerian spirit. Few months ago when I visited Abuja, I ran across him at the NNPC towers just before he retired, he treated me together with another top Abuja Politician (Name withheld) to a dinner in a fine Chinese restaurant. We spoke about a business proposal. Just towards the end of the meeting, the discussions veered into his governorship ambition. Jeddys ambition from my judgment is borne out of love for his people rather than financial aggrandizement or mere love for power. He considers governorship a service package for his people while he retires from public service. Knowing Jeddy from afar, you would think of him as being pompous, but getting to know the Noble Prince of Obuduland, you find a man simple in character, firm in belief, generous in giving and hospitable in reception. All through the time he spoke about his ambition, he often said, God willing, if God permits, if it is Gods will. I found that appealing because he finds a place for God in his politics. Jeddy is what I will term a core Abuja politician. He has unrestricted access to anyone he desires to see in Abuja. Jeddy needs no introduction, he has unfettered access to the hawks in Abuja, some key principals at the National working committee, and if Cross River State elections were to be decided by the poor masses, Jeddy is the man to beat whether in PDP or any opposing party. Jeddys greatest asset comes from the fact that the PDP state machinery singled him out as the “Man who will not be Governor”. From labeling him as a money bag, to discrediting him as a Non Party member and finally to name-calling all those who associate or sympathize with him as opportunist or paid propagandist. Agba speaking through his media consultant, Phrank Shaibu, at an interactive session with journalists in Lagos points out, “My vision and mission is to create a decent, secure and burgeoning environment, driven by a zesty economy, supported by quality service, equity and justice. I am running for governor because I believe I can add value to the governance of a state I love so much. My love for Cross River and its people knows no limit. I love the diversity, the can-do spirit, the communal life of neighbor-helping-neighbor of the people; and I believe in what Cross River State can be. One single thing that strikes most about Mr. Jeddy Agba is that all through my conversations with him, he calls Senator Imoke “My Friend”. He appears to hold no personal grudge with the Governor. Jeddys Chances: A Rattle Snake scorched, comes back prepared to fight another day. On November 21st delegate’s elections, Jeddy took the State by surprise. In Partnership with Senator Ndoma Egba, He swept the initial delegates elections which was later cancelled. I will not be surprised if Jeddy repeats that feat. Jeddy is not a stranger among the Abuja hawks, the PDP national working Committee, and some key Presidential aides. At the home front, he is warmly welcomed by the anti Imoke group within the State PDP. He has developed public sympathy as the unwelcomed prodigal son who is unwelcomed in the PDP family for daring to aspire. A situation that made him a household name. In Summary: Who will this cap really fit? Going through the profiles, it is not an understatement that any of the aspirants above have the ability to run the state. There’s hope for Cross River State, from Ntufam Ugbos seeing the problems of the State as an opportunity to bail us out, to Ibeshi’s dynamism and God Centered high tech proposed 21st century development strides, to Ayade spirit of invention and academic excellence, to Jeddy Agba passion for a new breed Cross River State were tribes and tongues will not deter our spirit of brotherhood, whoever emerges as governor, will have a plate full of debts to handle, a divided political family, a polarized civil service, a battalion of unemployed youths seeking employment, an army of political supporters seeking appointments, uncompleted Capital projects with no hope of sustained viability, from the Ranch to the International Convention center, and also, pressure from banks to pay interest on huge state loans, to broken down educational systems, health systems, and dwindling economic fortunes arising massive corruption and the loss of oil wells. The problems continue. Is this the type of Job an unprepared man would aspire to have? The final choice has to be right. Princewill Ojong Odidi an indigene of Cross River state, and a project management consultant writes from the United States of America. (princewillodidi@yahoo)
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 00:54:32 +0000

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