48 years ago today I was in shock, something that Id expected to - TopicsExpress


48 years ago today I was in shock, something that Id expected to happen took place much sooner than anticipated. Imagine going to bed around 10pm and two and a half hours later finding yourself tucked up in bed in a different location cradling a baby daughter. I anticipated that as my Mum had given birth to me in 90 mins this might be quick but as all this happened in the space of 45 mins quick isnt the right word. In the late sixties we were poor, we didnt have a car or a phone. When he realised what was happening her Father pulled on his jimjams and cycled round to the phone box to call the taxi. As our son couldnt be left I travelled alone in the back of the cab to the maternity home, a five minute journey. The driver couldnt get rid of me fast enough, he wouldnt take the proffered ten bob note, Pay me when youre back home, luv. Going up the stairs to the delivery room - no lifts in old buildings - panting and groaning with every step, the nurses didnt believe me when I said I was going to have the baby any minute. After helping me on to the bed they were amazed when the baby shot out like a bullet. I was very happy that thered been no time to shave me down below, in those days getting rid of the pubic hair was meant to lessen the risk of infection if stitches were needed. After that getting some more sleep proved impossible, Ive had a baby kept going round and round in my head. This seven and a half pound darling was quite petite and sported a shock of coal black hair. Her older brother had auburn hair like his Dad and at nine and a half pounds looked very plump. Back then new Mums were kept in hospital for ten days, nowadays they are discharged within hours. Her Father, after learning that hed not sired the anticipated second son, didnt visit for several days. This man had a totally misogynistic view of life and actually believed he was incapable of siring females. Needless to say this marriage didnt last, when UK divorce laws changed I left him.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 08:24:33 +0000

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