488 million computers are still running Windows XP, approximately - TopicsExpress


488 million computers are still running Windows XP, approximately 1/3rd of the worlds computers, which will be killed off in less than 1 month. If every single new PC sold in the world was only to replace old Windows XP machines it would take 20 months to replace every single one. XP runs most ATM machines, most businesses (cash registers and POS systems that track inventory), most doctors offices (all of our medical files and appointments). Yet Microsoft is pulling the plug on XP on April 8th. Disaster awaits, say security experts. Microsoft wants to kill XP because its been around 13 years, longer than any OS its supported. This article says the decision could destroy future sales of Windows as the media will be reporting a constant string of Windows XP disasters, ruining the reputation of Microsoft and all Windows (which isnt very good anyway but runs 90% of the worlds computers). It could (and should) drive people to buy non-Windows machines. What will be amusing is if it spikes sales of Chromebooks and the new Chromeboxes. Google promotes those as auto-updating and never having viruses, yet. Microsoft runs ads claiming you cant do most things on a Chromebook, which isnt true, you can do 90% of the same things a Windows PC can do, and for most users, 100% of their needs, all at a lower cost on a safer OS. ATM machines and anything with financial records should be running on Linux, not Windows, IMO. Linux is much safer than Windows, as are Macs, which share the same origins as Linux, both come from an OS called Unix. Chrome OS is based on Linux (so is Android and Google TV).
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 13:05:16 +0000

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