4TH NATIONAL RESIDENTIAL TRAINING OF THE FRANCISCAN FAMILIES FOCUSES ON LEADERSHIP FOR 21ST CENTURY The Nationwide Association of Franciscan Families of India (AFFI) with its 154 Provinces from 53 Franciscan Religious Congregations working in India focused on the effective leadership for the 21st Century. 90 Delegates, most of who are superiors of communities and heads of Institutions from all over the country attended this training cum workshop at the Capuchin PAX Centre, Aluva, Kerala from 2nd to 5th September, 2014. The participants underwent very special inputs on the various types of leaderships and the special skills of an effective leader in the changing socio-economic scenario of today, especially in India. Fr. A.J. Mathew ofm.cap, the President of this national network inaugurated the training with his special highlights on the challenges of the religious leaders due to the tension between charismatic and Institutional demands. Sr. Apoline UFS the Secretary General of AFFI highlighted on the need for joint venture of the Franciscans in the socio pastoral commitments towards the society. Fr. Raphy and Fr. Sathiyan focused on the various expectations that the people have on the Religious leaders of today and the 21 major characteristics of a genuine leader The participants presented their group workshop in the form of ten cultural presentations on how the Religious leadership is carried out today Vs. how it should be. Fr. Charles Arulanandam OFM highlighted on the various dimensions of servant leadership of Jesus along with the special focus on the Franciscan Leadership which is creative, Jesus –centred and oriented towards the welfare of the marginalised and the poorest in the society. The group workshops brought out the challenges of todays communities that are affected by materialism, individualism, popular media culture, privatisation etc which are cut off from the vision and mission of St. Francis and St. Clare who focused on fraternal care and motherly love, detachment from Money, power and possessions and attachment towards the neglected, the forgotten and the voiceless. The three day workshop led the delegates to revive their radical choice to be Committed Religious amidst the poor and the deprived of the society, by reviving the original mindset of the Founder, St. Francis of Assisi. These three day lived in experience cum training programme was also a time for strengthening their network, collaboration and coordination as Franciscan Religious in the context of today’s India. Fr. Nithiya ofm.cap, the national coordinator of the AFFI programmes, has proposed a series of National Franciscan programmes in the forthcoming year of the Consecrated life. The delegates have invariably planned to undergo radical revival of their Communities and provinces for an effective life of witness and apostolate. Programme Coordinator: Nithiya ofm.cap
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 19:09:34 +0000

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