4TH of JULY 238 years ago today, our Founding Fathers gave us a - TopicsExpress


4TH of JULY 238 years ago today, our Founding Fathers gave us a gift many today take for granted. I for one, do not take that gift for granted, I thank God for those incredible men every day.So how did I spend the 4th??? I was at our 2nd annual Southern Fried Zombie Gauntlet match and spent it enjoying my 2nd Amendment rights with my Brothers. I drove to the match in my CHEVY (pre guvt owned thank you) 2500 HD 4X4 gas guzzling AMERICAN truck, loaded down with my gear, to include an M1 GARAND 100% AMERICAN walnut and steel. I was in the presence of 2 active duty U.S. Army E-6s, my Bro John H. multiple Purple Hearts from USMC 2nd Recon Viet Nam, another Brother Devil Dog, former Sailor, 2 great kids that helped all day, a few other dear AMERICAN friends from the shooting community. How did the day end?? Got home, showered and put my lovely Southern born wife on the back of my HARLEY and road to meet some of the shooters for dinner, great time. I would be remiss if I did not thank my Great Grandparents for coming to America from Poland, LEGALLY and becoming citizens, and my Grandmother from Ireland, and Grandpa from France (he was one of the few Frenchmen that stayed at Belleau Wood in WW1 and fought with 240 some US Marines to hold of 6,000 Germans) so he is not to be considered a punk European by todays standards, and becoming American LEGAL citizens, hence, allowing me the honor of being born AMERICAN. I would also like to give God thanks for the perfect weather today, and a FUN SAFE time for all who attended the match. In closing, I would like to use my 1st Amendment rights to offer my advice to obamma, pelosi, reed, biden, holder, bloomburg, schumer ( intentional non capitalization) and all the other Commie pieces of defication that are ruining our Great Nation, some kind and thought out words,,,, venture forth and auto fornicate, thank you for my rant, God Bless America
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 02:52:11 +0000

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