4th Oct, 1947 Republic of Kashmir myth and reality: By Javed - TopicsExpress


4th Oct, 1947 Republic of Kashmir myth and reality: By Javed Inayat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammu Kashmir state was divided in 1947 after two neighboring countries i,e, India and Pakistan had invaded this ancient land situated at the north end of the Indian subcontinent. Some Kashmiri writers and intellectuals have been trying to project the idea that on 4th Oct, 1947 one group of breakaway faction of Muslim conference had made an attempt to declare Jammu Kashmir an independent country while overthrowing Maharaja Kashmir autocratic rule. They also believe that this representative independent republican government was over thrown by Pakistani state forces on Oct 24th, 1947 by installing new puppet government in its place. Lot of historical evidences have been surfaced not by local intellectuals and writers but also Pakistani writers and intellectuals including those who were architects of this invasion. There has nothing been left hidden in this regard that disturbance was planned by Pakistani state establishment and local agents were activated to achieve their goals. There has another myth been created about AJK army which was not an independent operating group but helped, supported and organized by Pakistani handlers at that time. AJK army was consisted largely on local retired and regular British army personnel who actually were sent to their native towns and villages by their Pakistani handlers to create disturbances and make pathway for Pakistani state forces and private militia groups to capture JK state. Everything was done by this AJK army group according to their masters planning. It is being proven that AJK army was also joined by local angry mobs everywhere in AJK region and they started killing, looting, raping, burning houses , damaging properties of local citizen of this state. AJK army and its related Gangs had nothing to do with the rights movement of local citizens but they entire attempt was directed against local population. AJK army personnel had begun this onslaught on local non Muslim citizen in mid September 1947 and continued this rampaging until they were joined by Pakistani thugs, regular army and tribal Pathan. now they all together unleashed terror on local population. Half million got killed, almost all of them were uprooted , murdered and cleansed from their native homeland. Some people have trying to separate AJK army actions and invading tribal Pathan and Pakistani army but it has been proved that they had jointly carried out this onslaught on local population and provided an opportunity to Indian army to occupy some areas of Kashmir. If we accept the notion that 4th Oct, government was in control of AJK army and this so called Azad Kashmir territory and their attempt was to defend sovereignty of the state why they handed over this area to Pakistani invaders? If they wanted to have an independent sovereign state, why they disabled Maharaja Kashmir authority? Why they let Pakistani invaders to come in and occupy their territory? Did they fight back Pakistani tribal invaders and armed forces of invading country, no, they had collaborated and joined them to execute their plan. It was created myth about 4th Oct to calm down local population for a while and later they had gone with their original plan. Maharaja Hari Singh was already trying to defend state sovereignty and did not like to join either of the two neighbors. There is no doubt that AJK army was controlled by Pakistani handlers and this militant group was directed by them to go on sectarian violence in AJK region. It was Muslim league leadership which was behind the Muslim conference group which initiated violence. Some of us personally know that what had done to our non Muslim neighbors by AJK army group and how they were murdered cold bloodedly. Majority of AJK army personnel had no idea what they were doing to their own fellow citizen and how they were an instrument for dividing their own country and letting Pakistan to occupy it in the name of religion. Pakistani state was behind all this conspiracy and these elements were hand in glove with foreign forces and they had sabotaged local democratic movement against local monarchy and responsible for the division and occupation of our homeland. There was no difference between 4th Oct, and 24th Oct 1947, it was same plan and same elements were involved both time. I would like to invite Kashmiri intellectuals, writers, historian and researchers to dig out the truth and expose this deliberately created myth of both events of 4th Oct, and 24th Oct, 1947 , as a result worse situation was created after ending autocratic rule of family monarchy. Muslim conference never was considered pro peoples party nor it was against the autocratic rule of Maharaja Kashmir. Its leadership wanted to get share for local Muslim elites in Maharaja government. No one can believe that MC suddenly came to sole representative of people and liberator of masses from oppressed autocratic ruler of the state. Maharaja family rule was already numbered and there was no wisdom to pick up arms against powerless ruler who was negotiating with democratic forces to hand over his power to them. What was done in AJK region was preplanned and it was an attempt to sabotage rights movement in the state.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 02:34:03 +0000

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