(4th Testimony) --- In the Kingdom of Heaven, we saw wonderful - TopicsExpress


(4th Testimony) --- In the Kingdom of Heaven, we saw wonderful things as it is written in the Word of God, 1 Corinthians 2:9 , No eye has seen, no ear has heard, neither has the human heart thought of what God has prepared for those who love Him. When we arrived at the Kingdom of Heaven it was so spectacular and wonderful to see so many things; so many big things and to feel the glory of the Lord. It was so special; a place with lots of children. We could say that there were millions of children in that place. We saw children of different ages, Heaven was divided into sections. We saw some kind of baby-house that sheltered kids aged 2-4. We also noticed that the children in the Kingdom of Heaven grow up and there was a school where the children are taught the Word of God. The teachers are angels and they teach the children worship songs and how to glorify the Lord Jesus. When the Lord arrived, we could see the immense joy of our King. Even though we could not see His face, we could see His smile, it filled the entire place. When He arrived, all the children ran to Him! In the middle of all those children, we could see Mary, the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ on Earth. She was a beautiful woman. We did not see her on a throne and neither was anyone worshiping her. She was there as one of the other women in heaven, like all other people on Earth she had to win her salvation. She had a white robe and a golden belt around her waist, and her hair reached down to her waist. On Earth, we have listened to many people as they worship Mary as the mother of Jesus, but I want to tell you that the Word of God says, I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but by Me. (John 14:6 ) The only entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven is Jesus of Nazareth. We also noticed there was no Sun or Moon. The Word of God tells us in Revelation 22:5 And night shall be no more; they will need neither lamplight nor sunlight, for the Lord God will be their light, and they shall reign for ever and ever. We could see the glory of God. We find it difficult to explain the horrors we saw in hell, but it is even more difficult to try to explain the celestial things we saw and the perfection of our Maker. When we were there, the wanted to run and see everything. We could lay down on the grass, and we could feel the glory of God. That soft whistle; that soft wind that caressed our faces, it was something wonderful. In the middle of the sky, we could see a huge cross made of pure gold. We believe that this was not a symbol of idolatry but more like a symbol showing that through the death of Jesus on the cross, we have entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven. We continued walking in Heaven. It was fascinating to walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. There we could know for sure, who is the God that we are serving...Jesus of Nazareth. Many of us on Earth think there is a God up there, just waiting for us to commit a sin, so He can punish us and send us to hell. But that is not reality. We could see the other face of Jesus, a Jesus that is a friend; a Jesus that cries when you cry. Jesus is a God of love, compassion and mercy; He takes us in His hands to help us continue in the way of salvation. The Lord Jesus also allowed us to meet a person from the Bible. We meet King David, the King David mentioned in the scriptures. He was a good looking man, tall and his face reflected the Glory of God. The whole time we were in the Kingdom of Heaven, the only thing that King David did was dance, dance, dance and give all the glory and the honor to God. To those who are reading this testimony, I want to tell you that in the Word of God is says in Revelations 21:27 But nothing unclean nor anyone practicing immorality and falsehood shall ever enter it, but only those whose names have been recorded in the Lambs Book of Life. And I also want to tell you that only the brave ones take hold of the Kingdom of Heaven. God Bless you. --- (5th Testimony) --- (2 Corinthians 5:10 ) For we must all appear before the tribunal of Christ, so that each may receive as his due what he practiced while in the body, whether good or bad In the Kingdom of Heaven, we could see the New Jerusalem which the Bible tells us about in John 14:2 , In My Fathers house are many dwelling places. If this were not so, I would have told you. For I am going away to prepare a place for you. We could see the city and enter it; it is a real and wonderful city! Jesus went there to prepare those dwelling places for us. In the city and we could see that each residences or house had the owners name written in front of the house. This city is not yet inhabited, but it is ready for us. We were allowed to go inside the houses and see all the things inside. But later when we left the city, we forgot the things we saw, those memories were taken away from us. However, we can remember that the columns of the houses are plated with precious metals and have many different types of precious stones encrusted in them. They also have pure gold in them. The gold of this city is like the Bible describes; it is almost transparent, and so shiny. The gold on Earth can not be compared in luster and beauty to the gold that is in Heaven. After this, we were taken to a place that had lots of containers. Inside those containers were crystallized tears. Those were the tears that the sons of God shed on the Earth. They were not tears of complaints, but tears that people shed when they are in the presence of God; tears of repentance, tears of gratitude. God keeps these tears as a precious treasure in Heaven, just like it is mentioned in Psalms 56:8 , Thou takest note of my roaming; and put my tears into Thy bottle; are they not in Thy book? We also came to a place where many many angels were. Although in Heaven we could see many different types of angels, this place had just one special type. We saw that Jesus, has a specific angel for each person. He also showed us that this angel will be close to us during our entire existence. He introduced us to the angels assigned to us. We got to see their characteristics, but God told us that we are not allowed to reveal these things to others. We read in Psalms 91:11 , For He gives His angels orders regarding you, to protect you wherever you go. We came to a place with many lockers, within them were many different flowers. Some flowers were open, beautiful and radiant. But other were kind of droopy, and some others ones were even shriveled. We asked Jesus what the meaning of all those flowers were? He answered, It is because the life of each of you is like one of these flowers. He took one of the radiant flowers and said, This flower shows the condition of the communion that you have with Me. He left that flower and took another one that was down. He said, Look, this person is down because they are having a trial, or a difficulty. There is something in this life that is interrupting the communion with Me. Do you know what I do with these flowers when they are down in order to make them brilliant and healthy again? He then took the flower in His hand and said, I shed my tears over them and I raise them up. We saw how in a powerful way this flower began to have life again and raise up and its colors began to appear again. Then He took one of the shriveled flowers and He threw it into the fire and said, Look, this person had known me and walked away from Me. Now he dies without me and it is thrown to the fire. ( John 15:5-6 ) When we left there, we saw a beautiful castle very far in the distance. Nobody dared to get close to that castle, and we believe that is what the Scriptures talk about in Revelation 22:1 , He then showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing forth from the throne of God and of the Lamb. We believe that the castle was probably located near the presence and throne of God. While experiencing all these things in the Kingdom of Heaven, we had so much joy in our hearts, we had a peace that passes all understanding. (Philippians 4:7 ) We understood as it is written in 1 Peter 1:4 , to an inheritance imperishable , unsullied, and unfading that is kept safely in heaven for you.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 17:04:08 +0000

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