5) 1969 was a very pivotal year for me. I was graduating 8th - TopicsExpress


5) 1969 was a very pivotal year for me. I was graduating 8th grade, and I was being forced to go to a Catholic High School even though I got into High School of Art and Design with flying colors. I was stuck in a very confusing state of who I was. I was painfully shy and as an only child I had no one to mirror or to help guide me. My parents were old world Italians and the reason I was being sent to a Catholic High school was not because of religion, it was all about discipline. I was like a cauldron about to boil over. The night of my graduation, I had my first major panic attack, so bad in fact that I had to sit out in the vestibule during the whole ceremony because i couldn’t bring myself to enter the church. Mind you now I had been an altar boy for 4 years. I wasn’t present to receive my Art Award, and my good Citizenship Award. The panic attacks would become more frequent and severe over the years. So this is how the summer of 1969 began for me and this song represented a big triumph and sense of rebellion for me, as the movie had been banned by the church and by all the nuns and yet I went to see it in the city, alone. I wish i could say i understood it at the time, but every year it becomes clearer and clearer.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 13:25:32 +0000

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