5/25/1911 Valley City Times-Record Ghost Seen in the Eastern - TopicsExpress


5/25/1911 Valley City Times-Record Ghost Seen in the Eastern Part of the City It was white and had wings and worked havoc among the natives Five residents of East Valley City prostrated by nervous shocks; three recovering from protracted fainting spells, and the whole east end of town in the throes of an epidemic of fear, is the record of the last forty-eight hours in that section of the city, as the result of psychic phenomena observed by many residents at different times and places which can leave no doubt as to their reality. Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Jones, Jones is not their name, but even the reporter was not proof against their pleading to withhold their names), returned from a visit to a friend’s house on Riverside avenue Sunday night, and had reached a point where the trees, just springing into verdure cast their heavy shadows across the road. What foretaste of trouble, or what magnetism is it that compels foreboding, and turns the eyes involuntarily to the point of danger and fear. Whatever the mysterious power, Mrs. Jones cast her eyes behind her just at the darkest place in the road, and with a shriek fell into her husband’s arms. He, turning at her scream gave a hollow groan, a yell of terror and agonized fear, and clasping the form of his better half to his manly bosom, staggeringly ran toward their home nearby, with all the easy grace of a brewery horse on a slippery pavement. Reaching the house, Mr. Jones carefully placed the unconscious form of his spouse on a nearby couch, and turning relapsed lifeless into the arms of his eldest son, who stood horror struck at the fear and agony depicted on his sire’s face. Much strong spirits finally aroused the expiring man, and to his son and a woman visitor he told of a phantom shape which had followed them, a shape clad in white, with great areoplanic wings, which flapped in the dark chill of the spring night, as the spirit floated rather than walked, toward them. Phosphorescent lights gleaned from the eyes and nostrils of the ghostly shape, he declared, while sibilant hisses cast dread into this heart. Never had suspicion of so ghastly an intruder into the peaceful domain of East Valley City been even rumored, and the son of the house declared that there must be a mistake- he himself would go out and grapple with the ghostly intruder. And he did gout. He took with him his trust ten gauge to bring down the practical joker as the hunter brings down the wild goose in the early morning on the passes of Eckelson lake. While his parents waited, the young man quickly covered the distance to Riverside drive, walked its entire length, and was about to return assured that the shape was gone, when within six feet of him, where an instant before there had been nothing, stood the ghost. His knees trembled in fear, his hair arose, and his tongue clove to the roof of his mouth. Of what use to shoot at a figure which could evolve out of thin air. With a shriek of mortal fear, he threw down his weapon and fled, only fainting at the door of his home. The whole neighborhood in the vicinity of Riverside avenue is in a state of terror. Two closely guarded meetings have been held to make plans to drive out the midnight intruder. Chief Swanson says that he has been called into consultation, and has appointed deputies to patrol the district, having business elsewhere, that time of night and he can find no man with courage to walk the streets along where the sheeted visitor holds sway. If there are volunteers who will undertake the fearsome task of ridding the town of its ghastly ghost, they will do well to communicate with the chief, who will assign them an opportunity to win for themselves fame and undying glory.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 20:47:30 +0000

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