5/5: Global Societal Manipulation And so we come to it - the - TopicsExpress


5/5: Global Societal Manipulation And so we come to it - the kicker. Just in case you didn’t believe or don’t understand that all politics is corrupt, that there isn’t a politician alive today even remotely capable of doing the job because the job of a politician is impossible for a human being to do, that you have never been able to vote on policy only the person who invokes it, and that your vote is ignored anyway. All major politics in so-called “civilised” Western countries is nothing more than a charade. It is part of a seriously high-level method of social manipulation known at national level as the “left-right paradigm” and at international level as the “Hegelian Dialect”. It’s so high-level that even people like Alex Jones don’t always seem to get it. It’s been happening, internationally, since at least the mid-1800s. In short, the same people who funded and brought Adolf Hitler to power also did the same for Joseph Stalin. They do the same for the Democrats and the Republicans in the USA, or the Liberals and Conservatives in Canada, or the Tories and Labour in the UK. Two sides are presented to the public in any given country to offer the illusion of choice, combined with the inferred instruction that you must choose one or the other. But they’re both financed, organised, trained, and groomed by the same 1% with the same objectives. Furthermore, all the journalists, TV outlets, radio stations and mainstream media publications are also financed and controlled by the same 1% which is why such political charades get huge coverage all over the globe. So whether your vote is counted or not, whether you vote left or right or red or blue, it makes no difference whatsoever. In short, if you are less than 100 years old then most if not all the votes you’ve ever cast have been pure fiction. You have been lied to, duped, deceived, defrauded and manipulated into taking part in a con-game of massive scale designed to trick you into believing that the government is ‘your’ government. When, in fact, all it has ever been designed to do is maintain the status quo, reinforce social stratification, and ensure that the current system of global economic slavery is allowed to progress to its endgame: one world government, one world currency, and a one world army under the control of a global elite. So sit down, close your eyes, breathe deeply and take it all in. Actually face the truth and deal with it. THIS IS YOUR PAIN. No, it isn’t your fault - you were born into it but, yes, it is your responsibility to fix it just as it is the responsibility of every living and breathing human being alive today. Yes, it’s a joke and yes, you’re the punchline. In fact, it’s worse than that, because if you continue to vote despite having this knowledge then you are behaving in the most antisocial and irresponsible manner possible. You are single-handedly perpetuating a global system that causes war, poverty, and crime, and you are preventing the rest of your species from surpassing it to something better. You are standing in the way of progress, and endangering the life of the entire planet and everything upon it. So stop it. Stop voting, stop encouraging others to vote, and play a role in bringing about an alternative system that will help humans to evolve and genuinely solve the world’s problems. Even if you are a self-confessed punchline, those who laugh last, laugh longest.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 11:11:50 +0000

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