5 Game Changing Tips On Hiring To Scale Your Marketing Agency - TopicsExpress


5 Game Changing Tips On Hiring To Scale Your Marketing Agency 1. Be strategic When you make your first hire and get an office space, be sure to do your best to lay a roadmap for your next several employees and years in business, so that who you hire will fit into the big picture. 2. Don’t be cheap or it will cost you dearly If you try and go cheap just to stick to the price point you had in your mind, you may miss out on exceptional people for another $5,000 or $10,000 more a year that could be dramatically better choices and in the long run save you a significant amount of money. 3. Learn how to fire fast and hire quality replacements If you get too close to your team and can’t let them go, even when it is long overdue, it will not only be costing you revenue but it will send a message to others that they are not likely to get fired no matter what they do. That will lead the rest of the team to be less productive. 4. Hire people that have exactly the experience you are looking for (not a Jack of all trades and Masters of none) It is better at times, for example, to hire two $35,000 employees to do things like social media marketing and SEO than one person for $70,000. If one person is amazing at SEO and kind of knows social media, even though you may be wowed by their resume, they may not be able to be as productive as two people with specialized skills, responsibilities and accountability. 5. Be prepared to create detailed workflows, as though you were preparing to franchise As an entrepreneur, you probably work both smart and fast but you can’t expect most employees to have your level of enthusiasm and knowledge (the only way to get that is likely through profit-sharing.). Creating highly specific workflows (with text and visual representations) of exactly what each person is expected to do, not only makes your team more productive but helps you scale. Image credit: infusionsoft Posted on: Fridge Magazine fridgemagazine
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 18:01:07 +0000

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