5 Interesting Facts about Sheriff and APC 1. Senator Ali Modu - TopicsExpress


5 Interesting Facts about Sheriff and APC 1. Senator Ali Modu Sheriff was a very prominent member and financier of the All Progressives Congress (APC) until very recently when he left the party complaining of lack of internal democracy. He was always in the gathering of the APC chieftains and hobnobbed with them publicly without any eyebrows being raised. At no time did APC disown him or distance itself from the former governor of Borno State. He was a member of the Board of Trustees. APC did not attack him. 2. Allegations that Ali Modu Sheriff is a sponsor of Boko Haram, though unproved, have been in the public domain since 2009. He has repeatedly denied these allegations and the security agencies are yet to produce any evidence. However, when he defected to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) only recently, the allegations were repeated by Dr. Stephen Davis and suddenly, APC has not allowed the world to rest, accusing President Goodluck Jonathan of hobnobbing with Sheriff. It is called double standards. 3. A very strong member and financier of APC today is Chief Timipre Sylva, former governor of Bayelsa State who is currently undergoing trial over allegations of corruption while he was in office. APC chieftains have not disowned him. In fact, he was one of those proposed for chairmanship of the party until he was dropped. He is all over the place hobnobbing with APC chieftains. APC accused President Goodluck Jonathan of associating without Sheriff whom they called a suspected terror financier but who has not even been charged to court, while APC is very comfortable with Sylva who is currently undergoing trial. 4. Much noise has been made about the presence of Sheriff when President Goodluck Jonathan went to visit President Idriss Derby of Chad last week. The first Lai (or lie) was that Sheriff was on the Presidents delegation for a sensitive security meeting. When the Lai did not stick, the new propaganda from APC was that the President knew Sheriff was going to be in the welcome party. However, since when does a visiting President have the right to choose who would be in the company of the host President? Where is that done in the world? 5. Senator Ali Modu Sherif is half- Nigerian, half-Chadian. His village is on the boundary with Chad. He had been living almost permanently in Chad since he left office as governor in 2011. He is a friend of President Derby. He is perhaps the most prominent Nigerian living in Chad. If President Derby decides to take his friend along to welcome President Jonathan at the airport or pay President Jonathan a visit at his hotel, since when has a visiting President been choosing the members of delegations for a host President? FINAL QUESTION: Of all the alleged sponsors of Boko Haram that Dr. Stephen Davis made reference to, how come APC has blatantly ignored the CBN connection in the financing of the terrorist group? Davis referred to two CBN officials who handled the transactions. He said one was in Currency Operations and the other recently left the bank. Nigerians know who “recently left the bank”. Nigerians know who was working hand-in-hand with the opposition to cook up allegations of missing funds against President Jonathan just to tarnish his image. Nigerians know who the former CBN official who was receiving regular visits from the wife of the terrorist who would later mastermind the Nyanya bombings.We all know him!!! PARTING SHOT: No amount of Janjaweed propaganda can cover the truth! Signed The PDP Resurgent Group
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 16:52:08 +0000

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