5 KINDS OF CHURCH THAT DOES NOT HAVE THE RAPTURE (Testimony of Margaret Quarcoo) On August 16, 2010, a minister named Margaret Quarcoo had a vision from God of appointment, not at the time of his appointment, but events after the rapture. There are 5 churches that God showed to Margaret Quarcoo: First Church: Not Teaching. The congregation is not raised, not even the servant of his Lord also raised, as it turns out this church never taught about the rapture, never gives warning that God will soon come, if ever taught that the rapture will occur saints. Brothers, days later we continue to be heard the Lord Jesus is coming soon. Lets prepare ourselves! Be careful, there are many servants of God-in quotation marks-that he get a revelation from God about the date when the rapture occurs. Some say the date so and so, even these days we often get news that doomsday will occur December 21, 2012. Brothers loved by God, do not ever believe that the person giving the date of the coming of the Lord! The Word of God says, Jesus himself said, I do not know, only the Father in Heaven who knows when. The angels did not know. Only the Father in Heaven who knows! You and I are part of preparing our lives for our well appointed Lord! From the first church, in addition to not remind the Lord, the church also teaches that the wages of sin is death, death. These days we are reminded to deal with sin. Indeed there is a sin that leads to death and there is sin not leading to death. Time was not taken care of sin before God, then sin will bring death. But when you fall into sin, and you want to truly repent humble before the Lord, will turn 180 degrees of evil things toward the truth, then your sins are forgiven by the power of the blood of Jesus! The first church members are not appointed, and apparently thats the things that are not taught by the Church first. But we teach, our spiritual leaders have been reminded of how God soon come pick us up, let us prepare ourselves to welcome Him. The second church: Sin hidden Gods people in the church is not removed because it has hidden sin. Please underline hidden sin. Brother, I may look good in this pulpit, looks clean, neat, but could have a hidden sin. I can see you are so well-organized, but there may be a sin that has not been cleared. There may be pain that has not been resolved, even as there are in the deepest memory, sometimes not remembered. But sometimes so there is an event, then this sin appears again, reminded again to us, means that there is not yet settled. Lets check our hearts, we are reminded to keep our hearts (Proverbs 4:23), so that we may meet God. God wants to meet with clean and pure in heart. Do not have a lump hidden sin we meet God. One part of why we have to stop a lot more, because apparently when we sit still, we can more introspection, what has not gone wrong in our lives. Margaret of time in that place, he was shown a church, perhaps a servant of God, whose life seriously, but not removed, then the Lord said this minister turned out two hours before the trumpet sounded, there is sin which is not taken care of so that he missed. When I read this, I mused, how we have to guard our lives. Once we know there is a mistake, remind God to each person, never delay! Clean up before God! So that even if one, two hours away God came, we had clean up before God. Third Church: Not against flesh The Church teaches that extraordinary spiritual warfare, attacking the devil, resist the devil, attacking back and forth against the devil. Not one, but there are important things that are not taught from the third church, that is actually the number one not fight the devil but against the number one enemy is yourself. So prior to and fro against the devil, we must live in the Spirit, no longer live in the flesh. Before you know Jesus, we live in the flesh, but now we live in the Spirit! Brothers, we are the number one enemy we must first opponent is ourselves, our own desires. Sometimes it would not be opposed to self-mastery because he could no. A few months ago, I reminded the congregation and key workers to live healthier. I was impressed with the phrase, let our body is also given the right to a healthy life. Brothers want to live healthy? So that when the Lord comes, we found a long and healthy life. Fourth Church: Hypocrisy The Church teaches the coming of the Lord, even going to evangelize, but apparently they are hypocrites and take advantage of existing services, so the church is not raised. Sisters, weve given free, we also provide free of charge. A few months ago I was serving one of our seniors, GBI founder, called upon the Lord in the city at the age of 86 years. At that time there was one or two servants of God that tells me there is a phenomenon of the day-today, there are ministers who do -TRC TRC is in quotes is no longer true! Apparently not abroad, but it has been entered in Indonesia. They manipulate, they are hypocrites. Before there KKR team has prepared several dozen people were given special duty to testify to experience healing, even when laying hands, it looks like this minister has a tremendous anointing, so when he passed people were falling, of the people that has been given a task by him. Engineering as it has been prepared. Even when the TRC was taking place, there are officers who distributed among the congregation. By using technology and earphones, the servant of the Lord was notified, and he was as if he could find out in the spirit of the condition of ones congregation at certain angles. As if he could know that the yellow door in the corner there paralyzed. As if he knew in spirit, but so further investigation it turns out all is engineered and lies! Beloved brother of the Lord, be careful! Let us live in truth. Fifth Church: Church astray 666 Fifth Church is a church, the church of the Antichrist, the Church astray. Note well, these days there are churches that teach heresy outside the Word of God. Do we believe that there is nothing to say there is no Christ, there is no Messiah.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 16:17:15 +0000

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