5+ Likes For.... 1. Do you want a boyfriend/ girlfriend? - TopicsExpress


5+ Likes For.... 1. Do you want a boyfriend/ girlfriend? Boyfriend. Which I already have c: 2. When did your last hug take place? At charlottes house today.. 3. Are you a jealous person? Yeop 4. Are you tired right now? Not really even tho its 12:50am 5. Do you chew on your straws? Yehp 6. Do you believe in love? Yaassh 7. Do you love someone right now? Yes. Braybray ^.^ 8. Are you happy? Yeahp 9. Are you mad? No 10. What pisses you off the most? Attention seekers&Players 11. What would hurt you the most? Getting shot. Or if braybray left meh 12. Who means the most to you? Brayden
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 12:55:48 +0000

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