5 SIMPLE STEPS TO DO YOUR PART IN RAISING YOUR VOICE AGAINST THE GENOCIDE OF PALESTINIANS IN GAZA Dear All, Please find an updated simple steps on how to help our brothers and sisters in Palestine Remember most of these will take only a few minutes. 1) Email your MP. I been asked to point out over 80% of MP’s in Conservative party are friends of Israel and the figure is 40% in Labour party. This demonstrates how poor we are compared to the Zionist at lobbying our Politicians. A drafted letter to MP in Rochdale is attached but please slightly amend it and email it to your MP in your constituency Please use following link to find your MP: theyworkforyou/ If you live in Rochdale the MPs email address is: [email protected] Jim Dobbin MP for Heywood and Middleton is also listed as friend for Palestine. His email address is : [email protected] Please copy and paste your email to both to both separately. 2) You could Email the Deputy Prime Minister. His email address is [email protected] A paragraph will do to get the message across. 3) Complain to the BBC and Sky on bias coverage. Israel employs 400 staff who bombard the mass media to ensure the reporting is bias in their favour. BBC are claiming that the majority of the deceased in Gaza were militants which is false as majority are in actual fact women and children. They cover in detail the three Israeli dead but refuse to say the age and gender of the others killed in Gaza. I attached details of the protest that will be made to the BBC concerning their coverage. asianimage.co.uk/news/11323546.Group_organises__drive_for_justice__convoy_to_BBC/ Sky news is worse. If we dont lobby the media we lose. Again I have supplied the email addresses and templates for you to use. It will only take a few minutes. https://ssl.bbc.co.uk/complaints/forms/?reset= SKY: news@sky (FAO VIEWERS EDITOR) SUGGESTED LETTER TO SKY AND BBC Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my complete outrage at your reportage on Israel’s assault on Gaza. I am sickened at how bias your coverage is and how little you mention of the Palestinian dead, most of which were women and young children. They have nothing to do with this conflict. Why have you allowed only one community’s dead to have global acknowledgement? Why have you chosen to not mourn the dead in Gaza? Please explain why you have not reported that Israel has been engaged in using overwhelming force against the innocent civilians many of who are children. I am a license payer and expect you to respond with an explanation as to what motives you have in communicating news which justify the attacks by Israel on the innocent civilians in Palestine. 4) Boycott Israel products. boycott-israel.co.uk 5) Dua/Pray. Remember we have a duty to stop evil but if we cant, then at least communicate the wrong to those in authority in hope that they can exert pressure. The very least we can do is make dua for those suffering where ever they may be. Jzk -Hanief
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 09:39:50 +0000

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