5 STEPS TO PRAYING FOR MINISTRY Ministry work is not only done - TopicsExpress


5 STEPS TO PRAYING FOR MINISTRY Ministry work is not only done by missionaries or pastors, but by everyday Christian followers. Ministry has the basic definition of service. Therefore, ministry can mean anything from raising money, helping the poor or ill, cleaning a house or spreading Gods word. Each ministry group has its own mission and objective. Members of these are called to serve God and to sacrifice themselves in the process. You may not be called to serve as a Christian ministry; however, you are able to help them through prayer Step 1 of 5 Present the ministry to God. Shine a spotlight on the ministry to God, so he knows what is happening. The ministry should be presented in a positive light. Let him know why you are praying for this particular ministry and why it is important to you and to God. Step 2 of 5 Be honest. Be completely honest with God and your reasons for asking for his help with this ministry. Also, be very clear about what it is that you want him to do for the ministry. Ask for the services to be safe and successful. Dont focus too much on the problems, but focus more on the good. Step 3 of 5 Focus on God. Prayers, no matter what kind, are to be focused around God and not you. Praying for a Christian ministry is no exception. Focus on the greatness of God and how the ministry is doing his work. Focus on the power of God and how his power is working through the ministry. Stay positive and appreciative. Step 4 of 5 Show your gratitude. Make sure that you show God your gratitude and thanks for his greatness. Thank him for hearing your prayers for the Christian ministry, and for their work. Whatever you are praying for, make sure to always show thanks and appreciation for all of Gods work. Be thankful that you have a belief in God and that you are able to see all of the good that he does. Step 5 of 5 Trust in God. When you end your prayer for Christian ministry, trust and know that your prayers have been heard. Know that you have done your part for the ministry and that God will do his.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 05:59:18 +0000

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