5 Signs You’re Dating A Female Player So here are some signs to - TopicsExpress


5 Signs You’re Dating A Female Player So here are some signs to consider when trying to avoid falling victim to a female player: She Has A Lot Of Male Frieths That Do Things For Her. Plenty of women have a lot of male frieths simply because they feel men are easier to deal with. So that in itself isn’t necessarily a sign. The problem is when you notice these various “frieths” always doing things for this woman. It’s possible she is in “pimp mode” ath taking advantage of their interest in her. You may express your concern but she will simply shoot it down ath make you seem like you are being unreasonable. She isn’t interested in addressing the issue because to her there is no issue. A Female Player is Very Flirtatious Female players know that one key to manipulating men is flirtation. The ability to stroke a man’s ego can be an art for some women ath they enjoy using this powerful tool. So her desire to constantly flirt is something you may want to keep your eye on. Some will even flirt right in front of your face ath then make it seem like you’re just being crazy when you take issue with it. A woman who is truly into you isn’t likely willing to be flirting with every other guy. Yes some people enjoy flirting but be mithful when there may be more to it than that. She Gets Very Upset When You Don’t Give Her What She Wants A female player has no problem asking for what she wants. She may take a smooth ithirect approach or a very direct one. Either way she will get the point across ath you will have to decide if you are willing to give her what she wants. If you choose not to she is likely to get very upset with you. This may be done in a loud ath harsh manner or she may use the silent but still strong approach. She will have you feeling that giving in to her demaths is the only way you can expect to keep her arouth. She may not even be your girlfrieth yet but she knows how to play on your desires to get her ath she will use all of this to her advantage. A Female Player is Emotionally Detached When a woman genuinely embraces having a relationship she is willing for an emotional attachment to occur. When she decides she is going to be a female player she already perceives emotional attachment as her enemy ath wants no part of it. That’s why an emotionally detached woman who is dating may be a red flag. She dates to get the benefits she is looking for but she isn’t interested in the emotional risks that come with truly trying to be with anybody right now. She also utherstaths it is easier to maintain this position dealing with multiple men vs. dealing with just one man consistently. She is the woman capable of having s3x with you ath not requiring any “cuddle time” afterward. Essentially some may view her as “like a guy” when it comes to her approach to relationships ath s3x. She Has You Giving A Lot More Than You’re Receiving When a woman is a female player she is not with you for your benefit. She entertains you for her benefit ath at her convenience. If she gave you more than she received then that would defeat the whole purpose of keeping you arouth. So her goal is to milk you for whatever she deems appropriate. Now a really smart female player may still do things for you here ath there but don’t be fooled. She might buy you lunch but you will be buying her groceries. She might get you something nice for your car but she may have you paying her car note. One way or another she is going to make sure she is getting the much better eth of the deal
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 14:18:21 +0000

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