5 THINGS A GUY WANTS 4M HIS GIRL..? 1. Love him for who he is - TopicsExpress


5 THINGS A GUY WANTS 4M HIS GIRL..? 1. Love him for who he is never try to change him. 2. When he looks upset ask whats wrong...if he saids nothiing is wrong dont FORCE HIM. 3. Dont talk about how better looking other guys are..ev if u r joking...he wud feel leftout..njealous. 4. hug him from behind and set u head on hisshoulders... 5. After he kisses u...tell him about it ..how good he is at it..? 6. Dont lie to him...dont cheat him,,he trusts u.. 7. When u r with ur friends..dont forget abouthim...keep in touch with him. 8. Be possesive..but ot OVER possesive..he hates it. 9. When u say goodbye hug him tightly and lay ur head on his chest. 10. When he says he loves you more, deny it... Fight back. 11.Tell him that you love him luking deep in his eys..mean it... 12,When u r are walking with him and he grabs ur hand pull urself into him, make him ur protector. 13.Flirt with him sumtyms..to have him know that u r happy wd him. 14. When u r angry DONT take it out on him tell him whats bothering u. 15. Never put him in bad situations that would make him not want to answer. 15 THINGS A GIRL WANTS 4M HIS GUY..? 1. Share secrets with her. 2. On cold days toghtr.. Give her ur jacket..holdher hands. 3. Kiss her slowly... usually...nd passionately... ­smtyms..? 4. Hold her close when shes cold so she can hold YOU too. 5. Txt messege or call her n tell her u miss her.. 6. Dont lie to her...dont cheat her...she trust u alot.. 7. Take pictures with her..of da lovly moments..u spend tghtr.. 8. When her friends say i love her more than u, deny it..protest.. and hug her tight so she cant get to her friends...it makes her feel loved. 9. Play with her hair... 10. Kiss her unexpectedly... 11. Dont EVER tell her to leave even jokingly...it hurts her.. If shes upset, comfort her. 12. ALWAYS Remind her how much you love her..n mean it. 13. When people hurt o disrespsct her, stand up for her. 14.COMFORT her when she cries and wipe away her tears.. 15.Take her for LONG walks at night..
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 09:47:57 +0000

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