5 THINGS I AM DOING TO PROSPER Robert Bake Tumuhaise (MD, WORLD - TopicsExpress


5 THINGS I AM DOING TO PROSPER Robert Bake Tumuhaise (MD, WORLD OF INSPIRATION) Everyone wants to prosper, even if some are not saying it. Every employee wants to get a better job, a promotion or a salary increment. A salesperson wants to maximise his/her sales and make a fortune out of the commission. A pastor wants his/her church to fill up. An investor/businessperson wants to churn out the best products, market them excellently, sell in huge numbers and carry home big profits. We are all looking for prosperity, in one way or the other. I want to share with you five things I am doing to ensure I prosper. FIRST, I learn from the best in the world. For the last few years I have maintained my habit of meeting at least one role-model every week. I look for those with tangible success whose experiences can help me metamorphose myself into what I want to be. That way I’ve managed to become friends with the likes of Patrick Bitature, Emma Katongole, H.E. Boney M Katatumba and other great men and women whose valuable lessons have been phenomenal in my business journey. When I read a newspaper, a magazine or a book, I am looking for what I can learn from others that can help me overcome my challenges, tap into opportunities and create the life I’ve always dreamt of. On Facebook, I read the weekly posts of Strive Masiyiwa, the richest Zimbabwean whose wisdom is simply amazing. On Twitter and Linked in, I follow the best, not those who post mbu “Nothing on my mind” … “Bored to death” e.t.c. SECONDLY, I no longer dream small. The time to think locally is gone; I now think regionally and globally. No matter what setbacks I am experiencing, my mind is still free to dream. I am now strategising for my business and products to take on the region – Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, DR Congo and Southern Sudan. Those who are worried that Kenyans are taking the juiciest jobs in Uganda, should learn what those Kenyans are doing and do it better so that their employability skills outmatch the Kenyans’. I no longer limit my dreams. I am dreaming of creating 100 jobs and to make a million dollars in one year (the reason for my secret slogan – one in one). Am I over ambitious? Well, time will tell. There are many things I have aimed at and my friends laughed at me for dreaming in such obscene magnitudes until they saw me achieve them. When I am dreaming, I don’t over dwell on my weaknesses, my current situation, environmental limitations and so on; I consider them, but focus more on possibilities. THIRDLY, I’ve learnt crisis-management. I feel pity for those who missed the last Authors’ Forum. After H.E. Katatumba had inspired us on how to re-invent ourselves for success, Bakutana’s session on Managing Stress and Work Pressure kept me on the edge of my seat to the end. What surprised me most, from his well-researched presentation, is that a significant portion of the stress we battle with is self-imposed! (Towakana if you weren’t there! Just call 0774107287 and get the video recording at 15k). The major point here is that challenges will never go away and so if I wait to first solve every challenge before I can prosper then I might never prosper. There will always be sickness around, losing friends/relatives, disagreements in relationships, difficult customers/workmates, moments of financial difficulties, e.t.c. Last night I lost all the data on my laptop plus my back-up on another device (I am yet to know how). Has that taken away my dreams? No. I lost data, not my head. Are you able to still focus on the big picture even when swamped with challenges? If yes, then welcome to the bus of prosperity; let’s sit next to each other. I love travelling with passengers; not hostages! FORTHLY, I am building a great team to work with. I am now hesitant to employ just anyone; I look out for those who are smarter than me in certain areas. I want to employ entrepreneurs who will run jobs in my company like one would run his/her successful business – making the best decisions, marketing the products, planning effectively, innovating like crazy… Time to employ liabilities is over; I now need assets – people that add value to my business while I add value to their lives. My aim is that by the time I become a billionaire, I’ve made at least 10 millionaires (in USD). In the recent years, there has been a global shift of success from enterprises than are based on natural resources such as land, gold, steel, e.t.c, to enterprises that are based on intellectual property. Companies like Facebook, Amazon and Google whose networth makes the GDP of East Africa sound like a joke are based on just ideas. To catch up with the trends, you must have the best brains in your team. LASTLY, I endeavour to add value to my life as often as I can. This explains my choice of the theme for the next Authors’ Forum – VALUE ADDITION. This episode has been packaged to empower and increase our value in the areas of personal development, career growth, product development, creativity and innovation. Besides the main presentation by PROF. FLORENCE MURANGA, Executive Director of Presidential Initiative on Banana Industrial Development (PIBID), the event will feature MOSES GOLOLA, a famous kick-boxer, who raised himself from nowhere to global success. In doing so, he has added value to himself, the entertainment industry and to the brand of this country as he is internationally referred to as ‘Moses Golola of Uganda’. Do I need to mention that there will also be mind-sharpening competitions, showcasing of rare talent, inspirational live band, sizzling poetry, and much more? All this is happening on Wednesday 1st October, 5:30pm, at the National Theatre. Call me on 0704666851 or Winnie on 0774107287 / 0414691595 for your ticket at 40,000 UGX. This entitles you to a free copy of THE EDGE, the novel by Victoria Abigail that we shall launch that day, or any other inspirational book/DVD of your choice. As I conclude, let me tell you of 2 other opportunities that will no doubt add value to your life. One is ACTION PLANNING, a fundamental self-discovery course that WORLD OF INSPIRATION is going to be conducting, starting this Saturday 13th Sept, 2-5pm, at Grand Imperial Hotel. If you are not 100% sure of your purpose in life, your mission or vision, this course is for you. If you’ve been getting challenges in setting goals and relating them to your daily life, work and dreams, don’t think twice – enrol for this course. This course will open your mind to discover your talents & passions and how to utilize them in your work/business. You will be able to tell the difference between the habits of successful people and those of failures. This course will empower you to choose which projects, businesses or jobs suit your calling and how to align your daily thoughts, decisions and actions with that calling. You will kiss farewell to procrastination. The other course I am recommending is THE ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING. It will kick off next Tuesday 16th Sept, 6pm to 8pm. With this course you can make painkillers and headaches associated with the fear of public speaking a thing of the past. No more shaking like a leaf, wetting your clothes with sweat and susuling on yourself when called upon to speak in public. This course is the only thing that stands between PUBLIC HUMILIATION and PUBLIC SPEAKING. Each of the 2 courses is covered in 6 sessions that are scheduled flexibly across a period of 3-6 weeks. The fee for each course is 500,000 UGX but as usual, Authors’ Forum members pay only half. There are a few slots left for each of these courses; call me on 0704666851 / 0712868424 and book NOW. Till then, stay blessed and inspired! This message is dedicated to Ortega Ian, Karecera Peter, Kangye David Benon, Charles Nyeko DeMabior, Ssenyonjo Andrew, Opata Peter, Winnie Zose Bake, Namiiro Leah, Maria Crystabel, Nnalubega Justine, Nicholas Katushabe, Emma Twinomujuni Kay, Ahurira Immaculate, Shantel Jolly, Kusasira M David...
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 08:40:32 +0000

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