5. The Consecration of The Free-Will Choice. (1221.2) 111:5.1 - TopicsExpress


5. The Consecration of The Free-Will Choice. (1221.2) 111:5.1 Doing The Will of God is nothing more and less than the exhibition of the creatures willingness to share their inner life with God — with the very God who made creature life and inner meaning-value, possible. Sharing is God-like — Divine. God shares everything with The Eternal Son and The Infinite Spirit, while they in turn, share everything with The Divine Sons and The Spirit Daughters of The Universes. (1221.3) 111:5.2 The Imitation of God is the key to Perfection. The doing of Gods Will is the secret of spiritual survival and the secret of perfection, in spiritual survival. (1221.4) 111:5.3 Mortals live within God, and so God has willed to live within mortals. As humans trust themselves to God, so has He — and first — trusted a part of Himself (the human spirit) to be with humans and has consented to live within humans and be subject to the human will. (1221.5) 111:5.4 Peace in this life, and spiritual survival after death, and perfection in the next life, and service in eternity — all these are achieved (in spirit) now, when the human creature personality consents — chooses — to subject the creature will to The Father’s Will. And already has The Father chosen to make a fragment (the human spirit) of Himself subject to the will of the human creature personality. (1221.6) 111:5.5 Such a human creature choice is not a surrender of will. It is a consecration of will, an expansion of will, a glorification of will, a perfecting of will; and such choosing raises the human creature will from the level of temporal significance, to that higher spiritual estate wherein the human personality of the human creature spiritually communes with The Personality of The Spirit Father. (1221.7) 111:5.6 This choosing of The Father’s Will is the spiritual finding of The Spirit Father by human mortals, even though an age must pass before the human creature can actually stand in the factual presence of God on Paradise. This choosing, does not so much consist in the negation of human creatures will — “Not my will, but yours be done” — as it consists in the human creature’s positive affirmation: “It is my will, that your will be done”. And, if this choice is made, sooner or later The God-Choosing Human will find inner spiritual union (fusion) with the indwelling God "particle" or fragment (the human spirit), while this same perfecting human will finds supreme personality satisfaction in the spiritual worship communion of the personality of the human and the personality of his Maker, two personalities whose creative attributes have eternally joined in self-willed mutuality of expression — the birth of another eternal partnership of the will of the human and The Will of God.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 07:05:17 +0000

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