5 Things You Absolutely Must Know About Finding a Career You - TopicsExpress


5 Things You Absolutely Must Know About Finding a Career You Love ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The thinking goes: if you have the courage to discover your true calling, you’ll be happy. If you’re not brave enough, you’ll wind up as an empty shell with a commute-work-die life. Talk about pressure. Before pulling your hair out, taking yet another eHarmony-like personality quiz or crying into your pillow because Pinterest told you “Without Passion, Life is Nothing,” check out these five passion pointers. 1. You can create a passion Computer scientist Cal Newport is fast becoming the face of the Anti-Passion Brigade—he doesn’t buy the “follow your passion” mantra. Instead, he believes passion can be created. There is no special passion waiting for you to discover. Passion is something that is cultivated. Research shows that the traits that lead people to love their work are general, and can be found in many different career paths. They include things like autonomy, a sense of impact and mastery, creativity, and respect and recognition for your abilities. Newport’s basic premise: Focus on a career area that generally interests you and offers value to the world. The deeper you dive into it and the better you are at it, the more interesting it’ll become — and the more passionate you’ll be. 2. Stop thinking! Here’s a dirty little secret: No matter how hard you try, you can’t determine what your passions are by thinking about it. You have to take action. Sign up for a class, try your hand at something new, volunteer for an assignment that’s out of your comfort zone — do anything that lets you dip your toe in the water. Through actual, hands-on engagement, you’ll be able to figure out what activities and situations light you up. nairastar/ng/forum/1621/5-things-you-absolutely-must-know-about-finding-a-career-you#sthash.G6Axx245.dpuf
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 09:23:37 +0000

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