5 Tips in Preparing for a Wedding Reception The wedding reception - TopicsExpress


5 Tips in Preparing for a Wedding Reception The wedding reception is a part that you really need to pay attention to when organizing a wedding. After an hour or two of the wedding ceremony, the guests should welcome some refreshments and some entertainment. First of all, the after party is one of the most anticipated parts of each wedding. This is where people could gather around, have their chance to give their best wishes to the newlywed, and the time to fully celebrate the occasion. As this part is the time to spend hours in high spirits, a detailed preparation is a must. Here are some tips that can be useful to you. Choose your preferred location Before making up other plans, choose the location for your reception first. The area must be wide, beautiful, comfortable, and well ventilated. If you opt for an outdoor wedding, then you won’t have to deal with this. You may consider booking the hotel since they offer packages that include the area, sound system, emcee and catering service as well. It is a great choice but if you’re looking for a more romantic place, you may go for gardens, wide backyards, or barns. These can also save you some money. Choose the caterer The food matters a lot so you should attend to it yourself; from choosing the menu to food tasting. If your guests are less than a hundred, you may choose a maximum of 20 different kinds of cuisines. Hire a professional catering service so you won’t have problems or get disappointed with the presentation and taste of your menu. Choose the best tasting cake The cake is as important as the food. Ideally, choose a cake with several layers. Wedding cakes are usually big and beautiful. There are lots of bakeshops that customize cakes so you may go for that. Hotels are one of the top wedding venues that customize cakes as well. Choose the right entertainment Musicians, bands, and dancers are usually the choice of entertainment for formal weddings. But it is your choice. If your wedding is informal, you may consider hiring a fire eater, fire dancer or a group of acrobats, for a change. You may also consider drag queens and sand artists. Choose the appropriate decorations To make the place more romantic, fill the trees with lanterns and Christmas lights. The stage must be wide. Choose large tables that can accommodate a maximum of 7 people. Put covers on chairs and then a separate cloth to make a ribbon at the back. Place a flower in the middle of each table. These would make an inviting reception area for your guests.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 10:07:30 +0000

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