5 Types Of Guys You Really Don’t Want To Date: Although they say - TopicsExpress


5 Types Of Guys You Really Don’t Want To Date: Although they say you should never judge a book by its cover, they never say anything about judging it after you read a little bit. On that same idea, think about how much time, energy and heartache you could save if you could determine if the guy you are dating is indeed relationship material? The first step in having an amazing and healthy relationship is to choose wisely. You can’t make the right decisions unless you know what to look for and thus getting out or avoiding a situation before you get in to deep and heartbroken.  Guy 1 – The One Who Gets Intimate Too Soon Overly eager guys are never a good sign. For one, he may act as being extremely into you, just to get you into bed as soon as possible. He’s the kind of guy that looks deep into your eyes, tells you he never felt like this with any girl before, and also never this fast. The guy comes across as incredibly affectionate and might confuse even the most wary woman. If he’s the player type, this is all an act to get you into bed. Alternatively he might be a guy that’s just not over his last ⁠girlfriend⁠. This can be spotted quickly if the guy starts to act as your ⁠boyfriend⁠ after only a couple of dates. This behavior isn’t explicative of his feelings but more of the fact that he misses or wishes that he still was in a relationship. Finally, if he’s not a player or not getting out of a relationship, this guy might have some serious attachment issues or self-esteem problems. Either way, he spells trouble. Remember, the man you’re dating should ALWAYS respect your boundaries. Guy 2 – The Guy With Obvious Commitment Issues This is the guy that tells you he doesn’t want a relationship right off the bat, the guy that can’t/won’t call you his girlfriend when it’s time to or the guy that’s over 30 and hasn’t had at least 2 serious (or one very serious 5+ years) relationships. It really doesn’t matter what their issues are, the bottom line is that this guy can’t see himself in a relationship with YOU. DO NOT try to change his mind, to turn him around, to make him want it, you’re just going to waste your time Guy 3 – The Guy That Hates His Job And/Or Doesn’t Know What He Wants To Do With His Life When searching for a man you should always look for confidence, ambition and stability. You can do without one of these qualities but never without two. Studies have proven that compared to women, who gain their sense of self-esteem and worth from their inter- personal ⁠relationships⁠, men asses their value based on their job or ability to have an impact on the world. If a man feels like he isn’t being productive, he will feel like a failure. A man that feels like a failure is an extremely difficult person. If a man hates his job from every point of view, he may not have a high level of confidence but this same guy is stable (because he has a job) and MIGHT have an ambition to change that. A guy that doesn’t have a job, doesn’t know what he’s going to do with his life, is a guy that will be too focused on himself and what he’s going to do. He won’t have time to be in tune with your needs and desires. This guy will just bring you down with his negativity and will envy you if you seem to have everything together. Don’t look for the loving and caring partner here because you’re not going to find him. Guy 4 – The Starving Artist (hipster) This is probably the most difficult one of the bunch since it’s almost impossible to read him. He can go from loving to hateful within minutes and you’ll never understand why. If you give him too much attention you’ll scare him, give him too little attention he’ll be too afraid to make any moves, show him the right amount of attention and he’ll just get bored. These guys tend to create goddess illusions of the women they’re ⁠dating⁠ and when time passes and no women is able to live up to those expectations, they just vanish. I blame this behavior on their lack of intellect and ability to rationalize their feelings (as most men often do). Guy 5 – The Always In A Relationship Guy Take extreme caution when dating a guy that goes from one relationship to the next without any time in between. The best place to hide from yourself is in a relationship. Understanding this is very important because this guy has a lot of unresolved issues and painful feelings buried deep down inside him. There’s a big chance that he has never actually healed from his past relationships and hasn’t had a chance to develop an identity outside of a relationship. The stranger thing is that he has probably reached a point in which he only sees himself only through the eyes of the person he’s in a relationship with, and has probably shaped his self-image purely based on what is reflected back at him. Avoid these men as they will only bring you heartache and pain.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 04:47:46 +0000

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