5 WAYS TO LOVE GOD WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH gregsimas.org/how-to-love-god-with-all-your-strength/To love the Lord with all our strength means to love him “exceedingly” “richly”, “lavishly”, with reckless abandon out of simple devotion. In more practical terms it means we are to love Him 110%. To go all-out. To give it your best shot. If we fall down, to pick ourselves back up and keep going forward. To love Him with all our might. Loving Him with all our strength is to love with our resources, our abilities and our time. To fully love Him with what we find our hands to do, our eyes to see, our ears to hear, our feet to go and our mouths to speak. 1. LOVE HIM WITH WHAT WE FIND OUR HANDS TO DO. We are to serve the Lord diligently being His hands extended in our world. We love Him by giving a cup of cold water to those in need (Matt. 10:42). Feeding the poor. Laying hands on the sick. Lifting our hands in worship. Playing an instrument. Writing an article. Working with excellence. The list can go on and on. Our hands serve a major purpose in loving God with all our strength. 2. LOVE HIM WITH OUR EYES AND WHAT THEY SEE. The eyes are the gateway to the heart. We are made to gaze on His beauty (Ps. 27:4), to fix our eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:2). Our eyes come in contact with so much during the day yet we love Him well when we see what pleases Him. We become what we behold. 3. LOVE HIM WITH EARS TO HEAR. Jesus said many times, “if anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.” Kind of a funny statement but a powerful one. What He is saying is listen to be transformed. Listen to be changed. Listen for more than information but to gain revelation. When we gain access to His voice we are loving Him well. Listen to others share their story, listen to their thoughts and hear their pain. Walk away from gossip, slander, backbiting and negative discussions These are all part of loving Him with all our strength. 4. LOVE HIM WITH FEET TO GO. Where our feet take us on the journey in life says a lot about how we love the Lord. Jesus laid it out when he said to “go and make disciples”(Matt. 28:19). The great commission is all about going. When we go and serve, go to church, go to a friend in need, go the extra mile, we are loving Him with all our strength. Be led by the Spirit and let Him lead you into amazing places and divine opportunities. 5. LOVE HIM WITH OUR MOUTH TO SPEAK. May the words we say bring glory to the Lord. When we edify, encourage, comfort, honor, support and bring life (Prov. 18:21) to others we create access for them to discover God’s kindness. We get to love HIm by declaring praise and worship to the Lord. Also, when we boldly share our faith with others (Eph. 6:19) and bring them into a relationship with God and when we instruct, coach and counsel others, it all counts in loving the Lord with all our strength. What a privilege we have to love the Lord with all our might, with a reckless abandon expressed in a sold out life. I think of Psalm 84:2 where the writer lays out his hearts cry…”my heart and flesh out for the living God”. The New Testament equivalent is found here in Mark 12:30 to love Him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. Let’s love Him well!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:06:12 +0000

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