5 days left, almost ready... October 25, Kamil Bednarek at - TopicsExpress


5 days left, almost ready... October 25, Kamil Bednarek at Portage Theaterevent page: https://facebook/events/1452949068321290 Dont miss Kamil Bednarek also known as MaccaBraa live in Chicago - MTV Europe award-winning Polish reggae and dancehall vocalist, songwriter, composer and musician with two #1 albums in Poland (with Star Guard Muffin and with his eponymous band Bednarek). Additionally, he’s recorded with some of Jamaica’s best reggae artists including Dean Fraser, Earl Smith, Capelton, The Tamlins, and musicians from “Shaggy” and more. youtu.be/yHzBXTu3Hqw youtu.be/0SEg695ce3k youtu.be/Tj4NV2T2LZghttps://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s130x130/1016334_699103726847915_7142353812126559057_n.jpg?oh=d7a25abd816bd640a1e4edb2a7ad26d2&oe=54AABA7F&__gda__=1421023912_02fab8353cb4a3ce3cd1144507b3f3f9
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 10:21:29 +0000

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