5 most popular eye diseases that you must be aware of The fast - TopicsExpress


5 most popular eye diseases that you must be aware of The fast forward life of the 21st century has degraded the quality of life we live. The deteriorating lifestyle of the modern age leaves us with less or almost no time to care for our healthy and this is affecting our body. One of the organs that suffer the most of the damage is our eyes. Be it the most common and inevitable dry eyes or the increasing number of people with blurred vision; we are more prone to eye diseases these days. AusSpecs urge you to take out at least a few minutes every day to plan a healthy menu and exercise towards a healthier life. Along with this, we also recommend you to listen to your body and identify if your body; especially your eyes are at risks. Here are some common eye problems that people often suffer from along with their signs. We suggest you to go through and in case you are facing any such problem, consult your doctor immediately. Cataract Cataract is an eye disease in which cloudy patches gradually develop within the lens of the eyes, thereby decreasing your vision. The most common symptom associated with cataract is blurred vision. When the lens is cloudy, light will not pass through it easily and will create blurred images. Cataract can develop in one or both eyes simultaneously. If the cloudiness in the eye reaches an extreme level, a cataract surgery is the most successful way to repair it. Presbyopia Presbyopia, means the "old eyes". It is a vision disorder that is normally expected at the age of 40-50 years and continues to progress till the age of 65. The lenses of the presbyopia-affected eyes become less flexible, thereby, diminishing their ability to focus on close objects. Prescription glasses or multifocal contact lenses are often used by presbyopic patients to magnify small objects so they can see them clearly. Glaucoma Glaucoma is an eye disease in which the eyes’ optic nerves get damages, thereby affecting your vision. Optical nerves send signals of the images that you see to the brain for processing and when they get damaged, they will not transmit the signals properly. In this form of eye disorder, the normal fluid pressure inside the eyes slowly rises, resulting in vision loss. Laser surgery is one of the most successful treatment options for glaucoma patients. Nearsightedness and farsightedness: People suffering from nearsightedness find it difficult to see distant objects but can clearly see nearby objects. Individuals with farsightedness can focus distant objects more clearly that close objects. These eye problems are not age specific and can be easily corrected by using prescribed glasses or contact lenses. Macular Degeneration Macula is an oval-shaped discolored small spot near the center of the retina that transmits images to your brain. As it deteriorates, it causes loss of central vision. Macular degeneration is of two types; dry and wet. While there is no known treatment for dry version, wet form may respond to laser procedures, if you get it diagnosed and treated early. Vision impairment may rob you of your quality of life. It may affect your routine activities and your ability to read, write, or drive. We at AusSpecs urge you not to ignore even the minutest issue that you might have. Early detection and right treatment can save your sight.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 02:20:02 +0000

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