5 reasons why you should stop giving a shit what people - TopicsExpress


5 reasons why you should stop giving a shit what people think 1.) People who spend their life trying to impress others only do so as they do not feel they will be accepted as they are. If people do not accept you as you are it is because your intentions are bad, your energy is bad or those who do not accept you are in a bad place and cannot see the beauty that you already have within. You can change your intentions and your energy but cannot change the intentions, thoughts and energy of others, you can only influence them. Sometimes you have to make a decision as to who you allow into your energetic space and who you listen to. Show others that your energetic space is not a right, it is a privilege. So only accept the opinions of those who matter and have earned the right. 2.) When you are inspired to create change in your life, that change will be created by seeing a vision of a greater future within your mind. At this point the only person who sees the new vision of a greater future is you. Therefore when you start to work towards something greater only those who truly believe in greater future possibilities for themselves will believe and stand behind you as they know anything is possible. Those trapped by their own fears and negative self judgements will not see your future vision nor will they believe a greater future is possible as they are stuck in the muddy swamp they call life. 3.) Those who critically judge others usually critically judge themselves even harsher. These peoples weapon of choice to make themselves feel superior is to knock other people down. Its the only way people who critically judge themselves ever really feel on top, although it never lasts. If only they realised that those who win in life, live with love, confidence and gratitude. Not blaming, complaining, judging and critisising. 4.) Great people will inspire you to think above your current way of living and thinking. These are the people you want to surround yourself with. 5.) If you worry about what other people think it is all about yourself and lack of self love, self worth and self confidence. No one likes to be harshly judged but the truth is the higher you rise and stand tall in this world the more people will see you. The more people that see you the more people there are to judge you unfairly. You have 2 choices. - a.) Stand tall and know what you stand for in this world and b.) Shrink to fit in with the small minds that will do their best to bring you down. With enough self love, self worth and confidence you will find that the judgements of those with a small mind will just bounce off of your positive energy. You do not need to develop a thick skin as that is also for those who are weak and scared as the same thick skin that covers their body also covers their heart and reduces their passions and love of life. Do you agree or disagree? Share if you agree and show the world that you are going to stand tall. Its your time to thrive
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 11:18:24 +0000

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