5 september | Research seminar: The Genealogy of Human Rights: - TopicsExpress


5 september | Research seminar: The Genealogy of Human Rights: Some Problems of Historical Continuity RESEARCH SEMINAR - ERASMUS CENTER for Early Modern Studies, ROTTERDAM Date: Thursday, September 5, 2013 Speaker: CONAL CONDREN (New South Wales) Subject: The Genealogy of Human Rights: Some Problems of Historical Continuity The paper discusses some of the difficulties in establishing historical continuities in the history of human rights, difficulties that would need to be overcome if a history of human rights was to become more than a matter of present centred genealogy. It argues that there is a continuity in the rhetorical functioning of appeals to rights (of humans, of Man) in western European culture, but far less conceptual continuity; it illustrates some of the discontinuities with reference to the varying correlates of a right; and touches on some of the misleading similarities in rights to freedom of conscience and to life. In collaboration with the research project Faultline 1700 of Erasmus University Rotterdam and University of Utrecht which is financed by NWO. Time: 15:00-17:00u Venue: Rotterdam City Library, Hoogstraat 110, Erasmuszaal (floor 3) Admission is free. You are very welcome.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 17:30:00 +0000

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