5 things men don’t quite get when consolling women One of the - TopicsExpress


5 things men don’t quite get when consolling women One of the strangest most awkward things in a relationship is when you, as a man, have to decide what to do when your partner starts letting the tears gush out of her eye holes. Indeed, men find tears intimidating especially when they are expected to know how to deal with these salty trails of mystery. The best part here is women seem just as perturbed at their men’s confusion as men are confused by tears. #1 – She’s Crying, Therefore There’s A Problem & Men Must Solve It Say your lovely lady comes home in tears and stomps off into the bathroom presumably to shed even more tears. As a man, this will ruffle your many feathers and make you think someone has wronged your fair maiden (of course, you could also try hoping she didn’t see you and you can complain ignorance of the whole teary episode!). But the problem is there may be no problem at all. She may just be crying as a way to deal with a really stressful day at work or, there might be a problem but all your chest thumping and door-banging will not be able to help anyway. #2 – Blame It On Hormones So you’re watching TV and suddenly your dainty princess starts shedding tears. Maybe she feels sorry for the bear on TV, or she remembered someone called her fat 2 weeks back. Maybe she doesn’t know why she’s crying at all. As a man, you’re likely to think of why she’s crying or you may ask her what’s wrong she’ll likely say, “nothing, I’m fine.” Don’t assume you did something wrong as it is just likely prolactin in the works. This hormone necessary for the production of breast milk builds up in the system and turns women into ticking time bombs. #3 – Men Don’t Have A Lot Of Experience With Crying It is hard to deal with something you do not have much experience with and it becomes even worse when it is your partner bawling about something you do not understand. Men cry about 17 times a year (average) and women at least twice that. It is no wonder take- charge men turn into blubbering fools when faced with a woman’s tears. #4 – She’s Crying And Won’t Say Anything And You Can’t Say Anything When women cry and men shut up, the problem can get worse. As a woman, she’s probably sitting there wondering why you have that nervous look on your face, why you aren’t asking her what’s wrong and coming to the conclusion that you are an insensitive d-bag. As a dude, you are sitting there unsure of why she’s crying and wondering if it’s the time of the month and where you’ll hide your game console in case she burns the house down. She thinks you’re being cold and insensitive when in fact, you are keeping quiet out of fear and you are just practicing self-defense! #5 – Women’s Tears Lower Their Testosterone So she’s sitting there crying and you get all huggy and weird. She know you didn’t do anything wrong but just by the mere fact that you are acting strange, she starts to believe you are actually up to no good and trouble starts to brew. But this isn’t your fault and you are in danger of losing your badge of manliness because: her tears lower your testosterone levels and thus you feel more empathy and more likely to feel what she is going through. Testosterone is am empathy inhibitor so you are more likely to feel her pain even if you do not know what is causing it. It’s amazing how much power tears have over men but then it isn’t like women cry on purpose, right ladies?… Share this:
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 07:34:35 +0000

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