5 things to know for Wednesday June 11, 2014 1. Strike vote: - TopicsExpress


5 things to know for Wednesday June 11, 2014 1. Strike vote: British Columbias teachers union has voted 86 per cent in favour of a full-scale strike that could start as soon as next Monday. Announcing the vote result late Tuesday, however, union president Jim Iker said the decision to walk off the job has not been made yet. ctvnews.ca/canada/b-c-teachers-union-votes-for-all-out-strike-1.1862882 2. Iraq under siege: Al-Qaeda-inspired militants have seized Mosul, Iraqs second-largest city. Tens of thousands of people are fleeing the city of nearly two million as Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki struggles to hold on to power. ctvnews.ca/world/insurgents-seize-iraq-s-2nd-largest-city-1.1862045 3. Doctor-assisted suicide: Canadians are divided when it comes to doctor-assisted suicide, according to a new report. While the public is split on whether the ban on euthanasia should be maintained, the report found there is a strong desire across the country for more palliative care to ensure a good death. ctvnews.ca/health/canadians-divided-on-keeping-doctor-assisted-suicide-ban-report-finds-1.1861336 4. Anti-homeless spikes: A strip of anti-homeless spikes were removed from a ledge outside a Montreal music store Tuesday. The spikes, intended to deter homeless people from sitting or sleeping on the ledge, we denounced by the mayor of the city who kept his promise to see them removed by the end of the day. ctvnews.ca/canada/outrage-after-montreal-store-lays-out-spikes-to-deter-homeless-1.1862513 5. Obama ashamed: U.S. President Barack Obama says he was ashamed as an American and terrified as a parent that the country cant seem to put a stop to deadly shooting sprees. The U.S. has seen a rash of high-profile shootings recently, including two police officers killed in Las Vegas Sunday, and a high school student killed in Oregon Tuesday. ctvnews.ca/world/obama-concedes-u-s-won-t-act-to-stop-gun-violence-anytime-soon-1.1862522
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 10:49:23 +0000

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