5 top tips to get the best out of your running for weight - TopicsExpress


5 top tips to get the best out of your running for weight loss Running can be one of the best ways to burn calories and lose weight, but only if you train properly, eat the right food, and get plenty of rest. Follow The Running Bug’s 5 body-changing weight loss tips to help you run to your ideal weight. Are you running for weight loss? 1. Don’t replace more than you burn Think your five mile run earns you a whole pack of biscuits? Think again. Overestimating your calorie burn will sabotage your weight loss efforts. As a rough estimate, running burns around 100 calories a mile. Better keep it to just one custard cream… 2. Up the intensity Consider adding intervals to supercharge your weight loss. A number of studies have revealed that high intensity interval training is more effective for fat loss than steady-state cardio. Experts think this is due to the ‘after burn’ effect of interval training. Want to burn more calories while you recover on the sofa? Of course you do! 3. Diet while you sleep Live by the old saying of breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper. Calorie counting runners may skimp on breakfast and then succumb to takeaways in the evening. This is actually the opposite of what you should be doing. By fuelling yourself early on you will ensure you energise your runs and prevent overeating later. Ending the day with a smaller dinner will ensure your body burns fat overnight. 4. Slow and steady Consistently running 10-15 miles per week over a few months is a lot more effective than running 50 miles one week and none the next. Make gradual increases in your mileage of no more than 10% per week and try to include a weekly rest day. Similarly, aim for a steady weight loss of 1-2lbs per week rather than trying to lose it all in one go. 5. Hill training Running on an incline boosts the number of calories you burn per mile. Running on an incline of just 5% can burn 50% more calories. This makes hills a great addition to your running menu. Not to mention they are great for increasing speed and endurance. Follow our tips to lose weight and
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 07:41:10 +0000

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