5 years ago, I woke up to the beginning of my fairy tale. Cayleigh - TopicsExpress


5 years ago, I woke up to the beginning of my fairy tale. Cayleigh was getting ready with me, and Devon was getting ready with Chad. It was a day that had taken 3 long years to finally get to, yet at times, felt like it was immediate. We werent supposed to be preparing for this day, we werent even supposed to have made it past the second date. Yet here we were, just hours from being husband and wife. Love, relationships, marriage. They were the furthest thing from my mind when I met Chad. But after an hour with him, there was no chance of getting away. We were complete opposites. I loved socializing, I loved having a house full of people at all times. I was so afraid of ever being by myself. He preferred solitude, quiet and an empty house. What a transformation we were both in for! Im positive we were inseparable from the start. Our differences seemed to tie us together. Our puzzled pairing fit like nothing I had ever known. We started converting each other without realizing it, each finding likes of the other and forming our own interests as a couple. The next thing we knew, this day had come. It was not an easy road. We have had our share of ups and downs, tears and laughter. Joys and sorrows. Yet each situation we found ourselves in only seemed to tighten our bond to each other. Hes not in the same continent of publicly correct. I try to be a peace maker. He has no ability to sugar coat, I try to mend fences. He is a pessimist, I am an optimist. WHAT WERE WE THINKING!?!?!? Somehow, our differences melted together like they were on purpose. In the last 8 years, we have seen each other at our worst. We have seen each other at the most trying times of our lives. We have laughed, we have cried. He has held me together when it felt like my life was tearing apart. He knows when to offer encouragement and comfort. He know when to just offer his arms. We accepted each others flaws from the very beginning because that is what made us, us. We have never tried to change the other, only the way we react. He has pushed me each day to learn, to grow and to find myself at any cost. He is my champion, he is my leader. He is the keeper of my secrets and the protector of my dreams. He carries each of my goals on his shoulders and will move mountains to make them reality. He is my best friend, he is my life. He is what makes me whole, because in finding him, I found myself. In essence, he has made me who I am today. Because he daily gives me the encouragement to continue finding myself. He is a man of principal, honesty, and integrity. He has a work ethic that sees no rival, he is rooted to the values that were instilled as a child and never puts anything before family. He is the most intelligent person I know, yet his thirst for knowledge is never quenched. He taught me how to shoot, how to hunt, and how to golf. He helps me with my school courses and cooks dinner most nights so I can do my homework. He never sees the extra pounds I put on, and thinks Im beautiful when I drool while I sleep. He has nursed me when I was sick, rooted me on as I completed a first time attempt, and put me in my place when I needed it. He has balanced my need to take care if the world with my need to take care of myself. And he NEVER goes more than 2 hours without telling me he loves me! No, he is not the perfect man. No, we do not have a perfect marriage. But what we have, is perfect for us. I may not always have a smile on my face, but my heart is always happy. I am not the wife he deserves. But I am so grateful that no one else could stand us enough to be with us, or we would have never found each other! Happy Anniversary baby. I never knew what peace, tranquility, and true love meant until you showed me. Thank you for 8 years of countless memories and for the last 5 years of being your wife. Here is to a thousand more!! I love you Chad, more than words could ever begin to describe.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 09:20:14 +0000

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