50 Fathoms Recap 07262013 The Kraken Great Ship appeared and we - TopicsExpress


50 Fathoms Recap 07262013 The Kraken Great Ship appeared and we went aboard to meet High Admiral Caspian. Caspian’s body was horribly disfigured from his fight with the Sea Hags. He was a once powerful archmage who looked weary and weakened in his current condition. And yet his eyes held a gleaming spark of triumph and hope from viewing the Kraken Sphere with his eyes. He promised to tow the Kraken Sphere for us until the day when we would need it, but told us that it would require three things, the hand of an archmage, the hand of a creature not of this world, and a great sacrifice, a price that the Kraken could not or would not pay during their first fight against the Sea Hags. He told us we could call him with a bone whistle on an ancient necklace when and if we decided to use the Kraken Sphere. He hesitated on whom to give it to, Kei’ali or Salomo. Bobbie played a Renown Card to up her Charisma by +1 to make sure she got the pendant. Tellah claimed to have lost his magic as an archmage to the Sea Hags and once had been a captain in Caspian’s fleet. Caspian did not believe his tale but believed in his conviction that it was true. Another kraken remembered his face and they found ship records of his vessel. According to the records he was a cabin boy instead. Tellah didn’t believe them and still claimed to be a captain and an archmage before the end of the fight against the Sea Hags. Caspian told him it was impossible for the Sea Hags have no dominion over Elemental Magic, only control of magic born of blood, darkness, and nightmares. Yet Tellah hung on to his delusions despite the facts. It turns out that one of his captains on board was Keraptis, Kei’ali’s father, and a contact of Salomo. Salomo apparently fenced him goods at a high price in exchange for keeping his current location a secret from the world. Kei’ali had her father tell her the tales of his adventures including the destruction of his vessel, the Tallamoos, during a fight against the Sea Hag’s minions who had finally hunted him down and his rescue by High Admiral Caspian and the Kraken Great Ship. And Admiral Kirel asked him what it took to become a High Admiral in terms of ships. Caspian sarcastically replied, “Lots”. Now he wants to be High Admiral Kirel. We left the Kraken Great Ship and found a group of fishermen aboard a sloop who offered fish for sale and told us about the changes to Brigandy Bay since its capture by the Dutch East India Trading Company. We skipped Brigandy Bay. The fleet continued towards Bluth’s Crown to save the elemental pillars. Unexpectedly, Blackbeard appeared on our path during the last day of our journey. Nameless warned us that the ship ahead was not Admiral Duckworth’s H.M.S. Justice, speaking of tattered sails, warped planks, and holes in the ship that would have sunk a normal vessel. Kirel turned to Tellah, “Your call.” Tellah told Kirel, “As much as I want to fight him, we have more important business at Bluth’s Crown.” Admiral Kirel exclaimed, “I’ll see you all in Bluth’s Crown” and turned the wheel to flee. But Blackbeard would not relent, chasing the fleet down and closing the distance. We entered chase combat. As Blackbeard surged forward, a supernatural storm appeared speeding Blackbeard’s withered man of war, the Destroyer. Admiral Kirel crossed the T and a volley of cannon fire didn’t even scratch the cracked paint of Blackbeard’s ship. Admiral Kirel exclaimed, “His vessel is immune to cannon fire? Let’s get the hell out of here!” Tellah called forth the power of all four elements using the focuses of the four elemental items obtained on our epic quest to power a mighty bolt of energy at Blackbeard’s ship. Using the double magic damage card, Arcane Spike, Tellah caused two wounds to Blackbeard’s vessel. Strips of the ship fell off into the sea and “Admiral” Salomo’s galleon picked them up as Blackbeard’s ship regenerated one of its wounds. Grof’s crew aimed at the Destroyer. Kei’ali summoned the Kraken Great Ship with the whistle. Blackbeard unleashed a full volley on Salomo’s sloop and utterly destroyed it with four wounds. With one ship, drops him to just Captain, at least in Admiral Kirel’s estimation. Grof became desperate and decided to ram Blackbeard’s ship and unleash a full blast of Draconis upon it. Grof’s ship rammed Blackbeard’s ship so hard that the concussive wave of energy knocked out his rudder. Kei’ali snuck on board the Destroyer and moved toward Blackbeard. Salomo ordered his men to save the crew of the destroyed sloop, finding one of his men dead. Salomo glided over to Blackbeard’s ship and stabbed him in the back twice with L’Espada de Vampiro and his magic rapier +2. He grabbed Blackbeard by his coat and knocked him off the Destroyer, Superman/M. Bison style. David played Villainous Verbosity on Blackbeard and he told Salomo his plans. His plan was to drown the world of Caribdus and sail the endless ocean as an immortal for all eternity. Blackbeard ordered his men to unleash the power of the Sea Hag’s breath on Arfk’s Revenge, Grof’s vessel. Kei’ali leapt from the shadows and attacked one of the Sea Hag breath gunners and smashed the hose, disabling that cannon. The other three cannons fired, with two hitting the ship, and wiped out 24 of Grof’s Grael crew. 10 of them started turning to undead and Grof ordered his men to do the grisly task of dismembering their former friends and allies. Admiral Kirel ordered his men to deploy all remaining grappling guns. Twenty grappling guns struck Blackbeard and Salomo. Salomo barely held on. Admiral Kirel ordered his men to pull Blackbeard to the deck of Caribdus’ Last Hope by pouring all their strength into pulling the ropes of the grappling guns to the ship. Admiral Kirel then said, “Tellah finish this.” Tellah rushed to Blackbeard and used Versalis to cross slash, slicing his belt off and cutting the ropes. King Amemnus’ sword and Salomo’s two blades clinked to the deck as Blackbeard fell back into the sea and died, not even Harder to Kill saving him from death’s embrace. Tellah grabbed King Amemnus’ sword, one step closer to his final goal of defeating the Sea Hags. I played the Windfall card to maximize our treasure yield as Kei’ali searched the Destroyer. Blackbeard’s undead minions melted away as the Sea Hag’s magic left them and the Destroyer began to sink. We gained 3500 silver or 62 a share…but also six magic guns, a magic ring that improves Intimidation, Blackbeard’s Jolly Roger, and a magic rapier. We divvied it out among the player characters. Admiral Kirel got the Intimidation ring and one of the magic guns. Grof’s ship, Arfk’s Revenge, was fitted with Blackbeard’s Jolly Roger and a peculiar thing began to happen…his ship’s rudder and his hull damage from the ramming regenerated. Finally got an advance for Kirk and the sailors, Kirk got Improved Dirty Fighting (which I really should have thought about earlier, as a Wild Card it can be very useful considering the D8 stealth). The sailors finally have Combat Reflexes and are at least generally competent now; of course there are only three of them still alive. Jesse Jones
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 21:44:26 +0000

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