50 best jokes of Rajikanth 1)Rajinikanth can withdraw money from - TopicsExpress


50 best jokes of Rajikanth 1)Rajinikanth can withdraw money from ATM by using his visiting card. 2)After release of Robot, Rajnikanth gave Times of India 3 stars. 3)God can walk on water. Rajni can swim through land!!! 4)Once Rajnikant was on hot seat in KBC,imagine what happened computer needs lifeline to choose the question.!! 5)Once Rajnikant was travelling in a helicopter via Switzerland and his wallet fell down. That place is now called Swiss Bank. 6)All scientist failed to answer this question but Rajni did... Q: Which is the liquid which turn solid on heating? Ans: Dosa 7)Once rajnikanth gave kiss to his girlfriend Infront of a kid. Now the kid is known as Emraan hashmi. 8)Rajni decide to donate his eyes, for NASA to make new HD telescope. 9) People update status via BlackBerry , iPhone, iPad, etc. Rajinikant h updates status via Calculator!! 10)How much it cost to Rajnikant when he makes call to space - 1Paisa/light year. 11)Once a farmer put Rajinikanth’s photo instead of a scarecrow in his farm u wont believe what happened the birds were bringing back the crops taken last year! 12)Rajnikanth bought a new road roller,Do u know why?? To iron his clothes....!! 13)My computer does not need a ups during power cuts because I have rajinikanths picture as my desktop background. 14)Once Rajinikanth was standing on the balcony with a coin in his hand. The coin slipped from his hand and fell down. Rajinikanth on reaching the ground was searching for the coin but he couldnt find it.. Guess why? Because he reached the ground before the coin did. 15)Recently china airports were closed due to heavy fog ........ Later it was discovered that Rajanikanth was smoking in India!!!!!!!!!! 16)Rajanikanth did his KG from seven different places..Today those places are known as IITs!!!!!! 17)Government of india pays tax to Rajanikanth for living in India!!!!!!! 18)Definition of solar eclipse:When Rajanikanth stares at sun with anger, sun hides behind the moon. This greatest phenomena is called Solar Eclipse........ .!!!!! 19)Rajanikanth woke up one day and decided he should share atleast one percent of his knowledge with the world...... Thus.......The google was born!!!! 20)Think what would have happened if Rajani would have born 150 years ago..????? British would have fought for Independance... . 21)Best Rajani joke!!!!!! Even Ghajini remembers Rajani!!!! 22)An email was sent from Mysore to Bangalore. Rajanikanth stopped it at Mandya .... 23)Why do earthquake occurs????? Because at that time Rajanikanths mobile is on vibration mode!!!!!!!!! 24)Once Rajanikanth bunked a whole day in school.....! Since then that day is known as............. Sunday!!!!!!!!! !!!! 25)The pyramids in Egypt are actually....... ................Rajanikanths primary school craft projects!!!!!!! !!!!! 26)Breaking news: ISRO does not exists anymore.....!! Rajanikanth purchased all the rockets for Diwali celebration!!!! !!!!!!!!! 27)Why did Rajani buy an acre of land wth 4 wells on each corner????? ....To play Carrom!!!!!! 28)Before Tom Cruise, Rajani was approached for the movie Mission Impossible, but Rajani refused as he found the title insulting... 29)Rajinikanth once told a joke 2 a Japanese kid.... Today hes known as Laughing Buddha 30)Rajinikanth never wet his bed as a child. The bed wet itself in fear. 32)Rajnikanths next movie is called Twitter. He plays 140 characters. 33)Rajinikanth can delete the Recycle Bin. 34)Why did Superman and Batman visit Rajnikanth on sept 5? Because it was Teachers Day. 35)Rajnikanth killed a terrorist in another country via Bluetooth 36)Rajninikanth can sneeze with his eyes open. 37)Rajinikanth kills Harry Potter in the eighth book. 38)Words like awesomeness, brilliance, legendary etc. were added to the dictionary in the year 1949. That was the year Rajinikanth was born. 39)When Neil Armstrong arrived at moon, he had to borrow fuel from Rajinis fuel station, to reach back on Earth. 40)When Rajinikanth was in class 3, his teacher asked him to write an essay on anything. Today that essay is know as wikipedia. 41)Rajinikanth once wrote his boigraphy. The book is know as The guinness Book of World Records. 42)When Rajanikanth joined Facebook, he got a notification that facebook wants to be his friend. 43)Rajanikanth once hit a six and that ball is known as Pluto. 44)Rajnikanth has counted to infinity, twice. 45)Rajnikanth once consumed an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink once. 46)Rajnikanth once kicked a horse in the chin. Its descendants are today called giraffes. 47) When Rajnikanth goes to a gym to workout, no one can workout since Rajini uses all the weights available. 48)Rajini can eat dosa with chop sticks 49)Rajnikanth can cure cancer with his first aidbox 50)Rajnikanth first takes the gold medal and then the race starts..
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 02:56:27 +0000

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